ch1 // who is cry baby.

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Cry Baby is an eight-year-old girl who is completely looney. Absolutely insane. Her parents don't care, though and continue drinking and laughing the night away. Cry Baby's parents would often hold parties with all of their friends until it could hold no more people. When Cry Baby would walk down for a drink of water, she would have to squeeze her way through the crowd in order to make it to the sink. Cry Baby would often lose sleep because of how loudly this music would play, and would be very dazed the next day at school. One night that changed.

One night Cry Baby was falling asleep when it came to her attention that her parents were fighting down the hall. She peeked her head out of her door in her room to see her mum, dad, and a random woman wearing high heels and a short, grey dress. She ran back into her room. She hid under her blanket full of fear until she fell asleep. She was scared of mommy, especially when she's been drinking.

You may be wondering where her friends are, but at this point in the story, she has none.

One hot day in June, Cry Baby was walking home from her school, very tired. She was almost at her house when she heard a little jingle from around the corner. It was the ice cream truck. She looked in her pockets for money, but she could never find anything but crumbs. The tall, skinny ice cream man would always slow down every day and look at her, but never came to a complete stop. One he realised she had no money, he'd drive off.

This happened every day for 1 week.

One day, on a week before school ended, Cry Baby found a shiny dime in her pocket. She waved to the Ice Cream Man and he pulled over his large van at the side of the road, pulling right up to Cry Baby as the ice cream jingle played. The ice cream man rolled down the window and smirked at Cry Baby.

"What can I get for a very pretty young lady on a very pretty summer day?" The Ice Cream Man asked with a smile plastered across his face.

"Umm, can I please have one ice cream sandwich please?" She asked, with her wide eyes opened.

"Of course, beautiful," He smirked, with his evil eyes glaring at her. "That will be 15 cents,"

Cry Baby frowned. "I only have 10 cents, though,"

"Well, let's say, I will give it to you for free if you come in my truck and eat the candy I got for you,"

"Really?" Asked Cry Baby, surprised.

"Of course. For a pretty girl like you, how can I not give you ice cream and candy?" Said the Ice Cream Man, pleased with himself. "Just come in the back of the van.." Cry Baby happily agreed to the offer and made her way to the back of the van.

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