Chapter 4

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**Picture: Lilly Collins as Amy Jameson**

Stephanie's POV

"STEPHANIE!!! Where is my curling iron!!! And OH MY GOSH where are my red heels???!!!"

This was Stacy yelling at me at 5 in the morning on Monday. Why you ask? Well, it has everything to do with a mega popstar coming to our school today, and every girl believing she knew exactly what to do to get him to fall in love with them. Sometimes I really fear for the reputation of my gender if Stacy and her little minions are the representation of it.

Regardless, because there had been an announcement about Collin Jacobs coming today, Stacy and her bimbo friends all went shopping for "outfits that would work as love potions". How a skimpy outfit that will make you look like one of the millions of crazed fans the guy has is supposed to be a love potion, I will never know.

Nevertheless, here I am covering my head with my pillow while Stacy and her friends (they'd slept over so they could get ready together; ridiculous) kept screaming up the stairs to my room about supposed things that I'd taken from them. Why couldn't I have a normal stepsister who could see that Collin Jacobs was probably just a stuck up and conceited teen who believed he was amazing?

I finally gave up on trying to fall back asleep just as another squeal resonates up the stairs, as the girls watch the news for any sightings of Collin. I roll my eyes at their antics and take a nice and long shower. Deciding I'd put at least a little effort in my appearance so as not to deal with Stacy glaring at me for "embarrassing her", I put on a light blue sleeveless sundress that stopped mid-thigh, and some white wedge heels. I also add some mascara and eyeliner to make my blue eyes pop, and brush my hair until it shined.

Going downstairs after my "makeover", I roll my eyes at the sight of 8 girls, all in skimpy clothes, crowded on the couch looking at the news covering Collin's progression to school. I walk over to the kitchen, get a sandwich left by Matt along with my lunch, and leave to go get Amy.


"Oh My God, " Amy and I say at the same time as we take in the scene in front of us. If the three foot thick wall of giggling, hair twirling girls didn't clue us in that Collin had arrived, the stretch limo and paparazzi furiously snapping pictures definitely would.

"Good grief, It's just a guy that can sing! He doesn't need all this fanfare!!" Amy yells angrily as I try to maneuver my convertible around the huge mass of people and trucks.

"I mean, I get that he's famous, but God, you'd think he resuscitated mother Theresa or something!" I say angrily as I get out of the car after finally finding a parking space. Amy shakes her head in agreed agitation, and tries to get through the masses with me.

We had gotten through almost all of the crowd and were so close to reaching the door, when suddenly I get knocked in the face by some girl trying to wave at Collin. Just as my head hit the cement my only thought is: only you Steph, only you.


I wake up slowly, moaning at the pain radiating from my head. Trying to sit up, I immediately feel woozy and figure I'm safer just laying down. I suddenly become aware of whispers around me, and try to look for their source. My mouth immediately gapes open at the sight of a bright red Collin Jacobs talking angrily to a man in a suit. They finally seem to come to an understanding, and Collin relaxes. He watches the man leave, then looks over at me, tensing up when he sees I'm awake. For a long while it is pretty uncomfortable, until I suddenly decide to break the ice.

"So on a scale of 1 to 10 how scary do I look right now?" I ask him. He cracks a smile, and looks at me curiously.

"Well," he says in that deep voice of his that's won him dozens of awards. "Maybe a 3?" I laugh at the cautious look on his face.

"Don't worry, I don't actually care. I'm just messing with you. Lighten up a little." I told him. He looks at me, shocked, and I laugh at the priceless look on his face.

"I'm sorry," he says once he'd recovered. "I'm just not used to people telling me things straight out. The girls especially, always want to be complimented. You're definitely a rarity."

"Well, Collin you don't have to worry about that with me. Now, if you could help me up and get me some water, I will definitely appreciate it. I'm Stephanie, by the way."

"Oh, of course! Here I am talking your head off and you need to get your bruise checked! Let me get you some water and the nurse. Unfortunately, I have to leave, but if you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask. And it's nice to meet you." He tells me. I smile softly.

"It's okay, I understand. I'm honestly surprised you're here at all, since most people wouldn't care especially not to the extent you did. Go do what you have to do." I say.

He smiles and his green eyes glitter in the soft light. He leaves to get the nurse and as I watch him I suddenly hear a loud and familiar female voice say, "If someone doesn't let me in now, I'm going to kick some serious butt!"


A/N: Hey guys, hope you like this one!! I noticed that my views are getting lower, so please if you start not to like the book or feel that something is simply not appealing, comment and let me know!! Please tell me what you think, with comments votes and shares cuz they really do mean a lot. Oh and if any of you can make a banner or cover for this book that would be awesome, because I kind of suck at it. Thanks!!!!

P.s. Don't think Stephanie and Collin are automatically friends!(hint, hint ;-) ) There will be a lot of drama in the next chapter so read on!!

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