Chapter 7

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A/N: Ok so I know it's wierd to have an author's note at the beginning, but I wanted to quickly let you know before you read that this chapter starts at the beginning of the school day from the chapter before, but in Collin's POV. So without further ado, I give you COLLIN!!:-D

Collin's POV

I go to school with a pounding headache from lack of sleep. Mom kept me up until three in the morning while she spoke with my lawyers about the incident with Stephanie. They're all convinced that she'll sue, but mom knows there's no way I'm asking the girl that intrigues me to sign a document saying she won't sue. If I did that I could kiss my chances of even having a simple friendship with her goodbye.

The truth is, though, that Stephanie piqued my interest because she's not a crazed fan, nor is she a suckup. She's genuine in a way that doesn't come out often anymore. I told Noah all about her, and he couldn't stop teasing me, and telling me I'm in love. But after my fiasco with Nicky, I don't think romance is in my near future.

I'm contemplating so hard that at first I don't notice my seething best friend next to me. When I do I choke on the coffee I'm drinking.

"DUDE! WHY DO HAVE A BLACK EYE?" I yell. He looks at me in annoyance and anger in his good eye. His black eye is swollen shut and turning purple on the edges.

"Some idiot came up to me last night as I was walking home from my afternoon jog. He grabbed me from behind, and before I could realize what was happening he punched me in the eye and said that this was what I got for hurting his sister. As if that wasn't enough, I got to my car this morning, and my favorite duffel bag was covered in pink glitter that can't be taken off." He answered with venom in his voice. I looked at him with huge eyes, my headache temporarily forgotten.

"Do you know who the sister is? I mean, really Noah you've only been here one day and you've already hurt a girl?" I asked incredulously.

"No, I don't know. I talked to a lot of people yesterday, I don't know what I could have done to hurt someone." He said with a confused look on his face.

The problem with Noah was he had two personalities. The player which he showed the world that his manager and the studio made him be, and the sweet and loyal guy he truly was that only a select few got to see. The reality was that as a star, your record label or agency own you. For Noah, that meant pretending to be someone he wasn't just because his label believed it would get him more attention, and therefore make them more money. He hated it, but in three months both our contracts would end, and we would both immediately switch labels to one who would support us instead of dictating us.

I looked at Noah as I waited for the warning bell, and saw that this accident weighed on him. As his best friend, I knew why. This would never have happened if he was allowed to be who he truly was instead of the player persona. Once again, the dark side of fame bit a star in the behind.

"Look man," I told him reassuringly. "I'm sure you'll know what it was all about soon enough. Just keep your eyes on that date in four months, and before you know it, we'll be there and we'll be able to be who we truly are. Now come on, the bell just rung. I'm sure you have many ladies who'd love to fawn all over your boo boo." I smirked at him, and was relieved to see his eyes stop being dull and go back to being a shiny blue.

We rushed into school, and separated to go to our homerooms. I was immediately swallowed in a sea of girls upon sitting down, and I thanked God when I saw the only girl I really wanted to see coming in the classroom. She sat down on the opposite end of the classroom, and I headed over.

"Hey, Stephanie was it? How are you feeling today?" I said with a bright smile.

She looked at me with cold eyes, and I looked at her completely confused as to why she'd be mad at me.

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