Chapter 10

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A burning sensation was crawling its way up my spine and down my arms. The pain intensified when I moved. I screamed out in pain when I felt my bones shifting and cracking. I felt like I was truly going to die without ever fully getting to live.

"Chance! I have my pack doctor. This is Ross, he can help her." I heard Holden yell but his voice still sounded muffled. Why was I struggling to hear and see things?

I wanted to speak but I couldn't. It hurt too much to even breathe so how would I be able to open my mouth and form words? Everything was a blur in front of me. The three men standing before me looked like six. My vision was fading out with my hearing. My heart was hammering against my chest and sweat was dripping off of my body. I clenched the bed sheets under me just trying to relieve the pain in any way possible, but nothing was working. I just wanted it to end. I didn't want to go through this anymore. How did they expect me to survive this? I wanted to give up and succumb to the pain because maybe then I would feel nothing.

"What can you do for her?" Chance asked, worry evident within his voice. I didn't want to think too much into it. He always told me he didn't care about me and probably never would. The worry within his voice was most likely due to his wolf. I could only imagine what his wolf was feeling right now but the sympathy I had was little to none. I felt like my insides were burning from the inside out.

I heard some shuffling around the room but I couldn't even focus on anyone around me. "I can give her a sedative. It won't put her to sleep but maye it can help to ease the pain she's feeling right now. She-wolves usually shift at sixteen, not almost twenty. If I don't numb the pain, she'll most likely die. She has a twenty percent chance of even living from shifting this late in life. Why is she shifting this late? I need some background information to know what I'm dealing with here because this isn't something you see every day."

Chance cursed loudly and I felt the bed dip a bit. "Her mom is human and her dad is a wolf. We never knew if she was going to shift. Once her sixteenth birthday passed, her parents assumed she was never going to shift. She never showed any signs until we came in contact with each other. Because I'm an Alpha, there's a legend that says if the wolf gene is dominant then it will activate in a way and she'll end up shifting. She was showing all the signs prior to this happening but we assumed she wasn't going to shift until the full moon. Trust me, I was shocked to even see her enter the beginning stages of shifting."

Ross said something that I couldn't make out and then placed his hand on my forehead and swore under his breath. "Just another reason for this to be deadly. It's very uncommon for the wolf gene to just come out, unless you're an Alpha, but it's also very uncommon for a human to be mated to an Alpha. I recommend getting her outside and into the clearing where the others usually shift for the first time. She's going to need a lot of room to fully shift. Her wolf will be bigger than the average young wolf since she's older now. Since she's also a Luna so that would make her wolf bigger than the average adult wolf. Chance, please carry her outside for me. I don't have the strength like I used to."

I felt hands grabbing me which caused me to shout out in more pain but as soon as Chance's hands touched my burning skin, the pain dulled a little bit. It was like his touch was slowly numbing the pain, more than the sedative was. I sighed, opening my eyes for the first time since this began to happen and still finding it to be blurry.

We made it outside within minutes. In the clearing I could make out the outline of the moon high in the sky above us. Ross came over to me and took my temperature and then injected me with more of the sedative. "With the moon almost at its peak she should be starting the transformation even though it isn't a full moon. Chance, step back please. I know this is hurting you as well but you must know, with being an Alpha, you cannot interfere at all. She is in the Moon Goddess' hands now."

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