Chapter 5 (Part 1)

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Chase and I were sneaking into our parent’s bedroom with a bucket filled with cold water to wake our dad up. Mom was already in the kitchen making us breakfast; she knows what we are up to and helped us get the bucket filled up with water. We snuck into the room being careful as to not make a sound so that we don’t wake him up and ruin our plan. We could hear him loudly snoring from the bed causing me to giggle and nearly drop my side of the bucket. We slowly walked towards the bed making sure that we don’t spill anymore of the water. When we got to the bed Chase grabbed the bucket out of my hands and poured all of the water onto dad. As I was running towards the door I could just hear my dad’s shocked gasp, before he shouted at us that we was going to get us.

We ran all the way to our tree house when my brother grabbed my and put me on his back as he climbed up the ladder and entered the tree house before going to stand guard by the door.

“Why are you by the door? He might see you!” I whisper-yelled at him.

He looked me in the eye before he answered “I will ALWAYS protect you, no matter what.” As soon as he had said that our dad came up the ladder with an evil glint in his eyes. Chase and I were already prepared and had our water guns prepared, we aimed and started shooting.

 *End of Flashback*

I will always protect you...those five words wouldn’t stop swirling around and around in my head whilst I was trying to heal myself. They were distracting me and making it exceedingly hard to heal myself...


Chase and I were currently sitting on the leather couches in my room facing the T.V. an old rugby game was playing over and over again but neither of us were watching it, it had been like that for hours now. We were in the middle of an intense conversation about what we were going to do to get Raven back. We were trying to come up with a plan to tell the pack about our plan to start finally start a war with the vampires. I knew that they would be happy with the war but not about the reason that started it.

“Hunter I really don’t think that we should be starting a war with the vampires just yet. I know that she is your mate and my sister but come on. Don’t you think that you would’ve felt it if they had hurt her in anyway.” I looked down at my hand and thought about it for a few minutes.

“I rejected her, do you still think that I would feel her emotions and pain?” Chase looked at me sadly before answering.

“You may have rejected her but the bond will only go away once you have both been mated to another wolf” The thought alone was enough to make my wolf go crazy.

“MINE!” I growled, I only got angrier when I heard Chase chuckle.

“So...have you felt any of her pain?” Now that I was thinking about it the only time that I felt any of her pain was when her car crashed.

“No...not exactly”

“So there is your answer, they aren’t doing anything to hurt her! For all you know they could’ve pulled her out of the car before it blew up. I mean the detectives did say that the car blew up a minute or two after the crash. They could’ve used their speed to get her away in time.” What he was saying didn’t make sense at all; vampires were known to be ruthless killers especially when it comes to werewolves.

“You and I both know that vampires are killers they wouldn’t have pulled her out!”

“Dude, give her some time. It might not be as bad of a situation as it appears.”

“I don’t know man-”I was cut off when I felt her emotions go crazy. I could feel her sadness and betrayal which was making my wolf go crazy. He was screaming and shouting me to go to her. The only problem was that she was with that vampire! And we weren’t prepared enough to start this war, we still had to get our warriors a bit more train up so that they were faster and did better in battle. I was about to go and get today’s training started when I felt the pack-link  -every pack shares with its pack-members so that we can keep in touch if anything bad happens or if we want to organize something- that we shared with her snap. The only way for someone to switch packs is if they and their wolf want them to do it whole heartedly otherwise nothing would’ve happened. I didn’t know what to feel at the moment, on the one had I was relieved and happy to know that she was safe and the vampire wasn’t doing anything to her but on the other hand I was so angry that I was seeing red because she want to join a vampires coven!

I was still deciding what to feel when I felt a pin prick on my neck and then nothing... Just darkness...

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