Chapter 7 - The Escape (Continued)

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 “AIDEN! HELP ME!” she screamed through the mind-link to me that I gave her the first time we met, it was a special perk that all the Gods had, we could give anyone that we had met face to face a mind-link with ourselves.

I looked at her just in time to see her put her hands down onto her lower stomach as a red patch quickly began to spread, she looked up at me with pain filled eyes.

*  *  *  *  *  *

I watched helplessly as her legs gave out underneath her and ever so slowly she fell to her knees gasping for breath. I struggled against the Mark/Marcus who was holding me in place only to be roughly pushed into one of the cages that were propped up against the walls. Raven was then thrown viciously into the cage, landing right next to me hitting the ground with a painful thud! The cage shook violently as the cage door was slammed shut before being locked.

 “Just wait until The Master hears of this! I can't wait to see what The Master is going to do with you, hopefully it will involve him being torn to pieces like the last person that went against The Master’s orders.” Mark/Marcus said as they strolled out of the room.

I reached out and gently pulled Raven into my lap. “Hey, are you okay?” I whispered softly into her ear.

“Yes, don’t worry I will be healed completely in a few hours.” She replied in a weak, pain filled voice.

“I'm sorry that the escape plan failed and you got injured.” I apologized.

“It’s fine, I will be healed soon. Plus don’t give up on our escape plan too soon, I have this...” She reached into her pocket and produced a set of keys containing three rusting keys on a key ring.

“Do I even want to know how you got your hands on those keys?” I asked raising my eyebrow.

“Ummm...let’s just keep that a secret, its better that way.”

She handed me the keys so that I could get up and silently unlock the cage door. She hesitantly climbed off of my lap and onto the hard bottom surface of the cage. Every sound that the lock made while I was trying to unlock it caused me to freeze and check the entrances to the cage room, so see if anyone had heard the sound and was coming in to check what it was from, which was slowing me down. Once I had finally unlocked the cage door I slowly swung it open before I went over to Raven and tenderly picked her up so that I didn't hurt her even more than she already was.

“Why are you carrying me?” Raven questioned me as I started to creep out of the cage.

“Do you think that you would be able to walk out of here on your own?” I replied to her question with one of my own.

“” Raven grumbled at the same time that she wound her arms around my neck, resting her head lightly on my shoulder.

 I slowly crept out into the passageway that we were meant to go through before the guards caught us. The air was slowly becoming more bearable with ever step that I took. At the end of the passageway were three wooden doors, each leading to a different section of this mansion that Raven was being held against her will in. All I knew was that the middle one lead into the entry hall the other two was unknown to me and I really couldn't care about what was past those doors all I wanted to do was get Raven out of here.

I reached out to turn the door knob only to find it locked. I quickly began to until I realized that the set of keys that Raven gave me had three keys on it, I unlocked the door and went through the doorway as I felt Raven’s body get heavier as she fell into a deep sleep.

The entry hall contained two spiral staircases leading up to the second story of the mansion. There is a small room off to the side of the entry hall with another spiral staircase, this time the staircase leads to their oversized garage. The easiest way for us to get away is for us to go through the garage since there are fewer guards to get in our way and we can easily take one of the cars because of the keys rack down there.

I tiptoed my way along the wall towards the room holding the spiral staircase leading to the garage. This time when I tried to open the door it was unlocked allowing me to not waste any extra time trying to unlock it. Once the door was sealed shut behind us I locked it so that it would stall anyone that tries to open it allowing us get into a car and go.

As soon as I got into the garage I went straight to the key rack and grabbed the first key that I could reach. The garage holds about at least thirty sport cars, the walls were plain white but by the amount of paint cans lying around on the ground I could tell that they were about to repaint the walls.


I woke up to the loud rumbling of a car’s engine all I could remember was being locked inside yet another cage but this time Aiden was in the cage with me. I speedily sat up only to have a searing pain go through my lower stomach.

“Slow down, you are going to hurt yourself” Aiden said as he slowly pushed my shoulders back down again with his free hand, the other hand he was using to steer the car with.

“Where are we going?” I questioned him after he took his hand back to change gears only to take my hand into his once he was finished.

“Umm...we are going back to my place”

“Isn’t your house in the dream realm?”

“Well us Gods every now and then will come here and stay for a month or two so a few years ago we decided to buy a couple of houses all around the world for us to live in while we are down here.”

After a few more turns Aiden finally came to a stop in front of an extremely familiar house but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn't put my finger on it well not until I saw Drake come running at full speed out of the house.

“PARKER! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” He yelled grabbing Aiden into a hug.

“Aiden, why did he just call you Parker? What is going on here?” I asked Aiden/Parker.

“Well...” Aiden/Parker started.

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