Part Three✔️

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{picture above - Petra's home}

The walkway to Petra's home seemed endless to Grey as she approached the large cabin, to each side of her the snow was piled up in high walls where they had pushed the fallen snow from the walkway. Her hands shook tucked in the pockets of her coat, her fingers subconsciously running over the glossy pictures stuffed in her pocket, no doubt leaving it tainted with her smudged fingerprints. Her fingers had to momentarily leave the warmth of her pockets to push open the white gate in front of the home, that seemed to practically blend in with the snowy surroundings. She closed it behind her carefully and walked up the steps.

Slowly raising her hand, she knocked on the door and not a moment later, Petra stood in the doorway with her signature smirk.

"Grey!" She exclaimed, leaning against the doorframe. "I was beginning to think you'd never show up."

"Here I am." Grey shrugged. "I-uh-I have something I need to show you."

"Later? My grandmother is anxious to meet you! Come in!"

Petra pulled Grey inside the house and draped a skinny arm over her shoulder, which proved to be kind of hard seeing as Grey was a solid few inches taller than the petite girl. She still continued leading her into the kitchen where heavenly smells floated in the air, originating from food Grey was not familiar with. Stood in front of the stove, was a small woman with hair the color of the moon that flowed down to her hips in thick waves with thin, pale arms that whisked whatever was was cooking in the pan.

"Babushka eto Grey."  Petra murmured softly into the woman's ear, her hand on her shoulder gently.

The old woman set down her cooking utensils and wiped her arms down her apron before turning then, her dark eyes finding Grey's and narrowing in on her. Her eyes were beady and harsh as they scanned Grey up and down, a brow arching up as her lips pushed out in a purse.

"Grey, this is my grandmother."

Grey looked at the woman with a small smile. "It's nice to meet you."

"Eto smertnyy?" The woman turned to Petra with a very obvious sneer that she didn't bother to hide.


"It nice to meet you, child." The woman nodded at Grey before turning back to her food. "Dinner ready soon. Petra, get little ones."

"Be right back." Petra gave Grey a small smile before moving to the stairs and climbing them. Grey watched Petra as she stood at the top and yelled out: "Grandmother's made dinner! Come get it or get your ass whooped!"

"These are your little siblings?" Grey laughed from the bottom and Petra's eyes as well as her grandmother's found Grey.

"Technically yes, but they're more or less like little demons."

All doors on the second floor seemed to open at once and one older boy and a smaller boy followed by an even littler girl behind them. They all scrambled past the girl and down the stairs where not one took notice of Grey due to their grandmother scolding them in her rough Russian tongue.

When Petra too descended the stairs, she looked to Grey and smirked. "After dinner, my grandmother will tell you about
khishchnik. Come, her cooking is the best in town."

Petra lead Grey to the dining room where an older boy was helping the old woman place food at each seat. Grey was shown to her seat, right in the middle of the table beside Petra.

"Who are you?" A delicate voice spoke from beside Grey and her eyes found a small brown haired girl standing beside her chair, her front teeth missing and her fingers wrapped around a delicate teddy bear.

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