Part Five✔️

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The wolf was incredibly close to Grey's back porch, so close she could see each snowflake clinging to it's auburn fur. She had no doubt it was the wolf from the other night. Her heartbeat spiked at this revelation, and because it took another step closer. It wasn't growling or baring it's teeth, it's ears were perked up and it's head high, confusion shining in it's blue eyes. It made a noise at the back of its throat, almost like a purr as it's nostrils flared and it's head tilted up the slightest.

Grey was frozen as it took yet another step closer, followed by another until it's puffs of breath fanned across the wood railing of her porch that blocked her legs from it. She could now make out that it's fur had been matted with what looked like dried blood around it's mouth and on it's neck. Her stomach turned as the stench of the blood soon met her nostrils. Stumbling back, her back met the wood on the outside of the cabin as it growled, ears flattening when a shadow stumbled from the forest out of the corner of Grey's eyes.

She tore her gaze from the predator in front of her - which would've been a terrible mistake in any other situation - and her eyes met Dimitri's glossy eyes. His widened as he looked at the wolf in front of her and tried to growl but it was weak and faltered as he fell against a nearby tree, his bare body sinking into the snow.

The wolf left Grey and began to approach Dimitri's unmoving body all the while growling lowly, stalking towards him like a predator. Grey panicked and did another stupid deed; she ran towards the boy on the ground. Around the wolf she moved and stood over Dimitri's body, staring at the wolf with a hard gaze.

"Don't touch him." She tried her best to sound threatening but her voice shook.

No longer growling, the wolf glanced at the boy and back to her, huffing out a short growl before turning away and darting into the trees. Grey waited another few minutes until she couldn't see it's shadow, before she dared to turn towards Dimitri and flip him over so his face was no longer buried in snow.

What awaited Grey's eyes was not a pleasant sight. Dimitri's once flawless skin was now marred with bright red skin surrounding deep gashes down his torso resembling claws. They were thick and oozed blood all over the snow and the sight made Grey sick.

Cursing beneath her breath she grabbed his arms and began to slowly drag him, with great struggle, into her cabin. By the time the boy was in the warmth of the home, sprawled out unconscious on the floor, Grey had sweat trickling down her face as she ran around trying to find medical supplies with her phone pressed to her ear.

"Petra? You need to come over right now. It's Dimitri."

Grey hung up and quickly kneeled beside Dimitri who's eyes were swiveling beneath his closed lids. When she pressed an alcohol soaked rag to his chest, his eyes shot open and his hand snapped to her wrist, his grip tight and his eyes bright, sharp teeth bared in threat. Once his eyes focused on her, he relaxed, and laid back for her to work, but his hand never left her wrist as she worked.

"Who did this to you?" She mumbled to herself but the boy heard, his hooded eyes looking at her.

"He was mad. . ." His voice was hoarse and his breathing shallow. "I shouldn't be here. He'll kill me."

"Who?" Grey was too focused on his glazed eyes to notice the wounds on his body ever-so-slowly closing to form scars.


• • •

Dimitri had joined the land of unconsciousness once again, leaving Grey to wait for Petra in silence. She paced the floor, her mind reeling at a mile a minute. Just when she was getting fed up, the door practically flew off it's hinges and in rushed Petra and her grandmother.

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