Chapter 7

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Apologises for not updating.

Edward's P.O.V.
I never thought I would love a human like I love baby Sophie but she's apart of the family now. She means the world to me and I can't imagine being without her now. I made a promise that I'll protect her and I will. No matter what. Carlisle agreed we would not tell the volturi incase they tried to harm her. She doesn't even know what we are anyways since she's a baby. I watch as Carlisle makes up Sophie's lunch which is sweet potato cottage pie. She's at the stage of introducing lumps. You usually introduce lumps between 7 and 10 months. This sweet potato cottage pie is even gluten free. Just as he finishes making it and checking it's the right temperature, his pager goes off. He takes it out of his pocket. 'I've got to go. There's an emergency at the hospital and they need me.' Carlisle says. 'You'll have to feed her for me.' He says and hands me Sophie who wouldn't go in her high chair. I sigh as I've never looked after her on my own before. There's always been someone in the house with us. All the girls are away out shopping and Emmett and Jasper have been made to carry all the bags. I carry Sophie over to the kitchen island where her food is. I sit her on the island since she can sit up by herself now. I fasten the bib on to her and make sure I'm standing right in front of her so if she fell I could catch her. I bring the spoon up to her mouth. 'Open up for the choo choo train.' Sophie opens her mouth and put the spoon in. I keep saying that as I feed her and she'll giggle every now and then. Suddenly Sophie grabs the spoon from me and shakily brings it to her mouth and she feeds herself. She does this a few more times before she gives me the spoon back. Once I've finished feeding her, I lift her up after wiping her mouth then place the bowl in the sink. I grab her bottle of juice and let her drink some but she pushes my hand away and tries holding it herself. I still hold it with one hand but she sucks on it while trying to hold it herself. Then she shoves my other hand off and holds her bottle in both hands while drinking. I quickly take a picture and she giggles before smiling at the camera so I take another one. She then puts her bottle down beside her so I put it back in the fridge then lift her up. I carry her through to her room and sit her on the floor to play. She crawls over to her ball and lifts it up. She sits down and looks at me so I sit down too. She throws the ball towards me and I catch it. She claps her hands so I roll the ball back to Sophie. We do this a few times then I heard laughter as she hits me in the face with the ball and giggles. I turn to see Alice and Rosalie. Rose walks in and picks up Sophie. 'Have you not changed her diaper yet?' Rose asks, carrying her to her changing table. 'Oh no I forgot cause we were having fun.' I say. Rose changes Sophie's diaper and then holds her in her arms. Sophie then begins to suck on her thumb so I grab her dummy and slide it into her mouth and she sucks contently on it. Rose cuddles her in while Sophie rests her head in Rosalie's neck. We all walk out of Sophie's room and into the living room. After awhile, Sophie falls asleep. We wake her back up at 2.30pm and we play for a few hours. Carlisle still isn't back so Alice and Rosalie feed her. After her bottle, we play for a bit. Rosalie changes Sophie's diaper and puts her pyjamas on then puts her in her crib with her cot mobile playing softly. It amuses her very much. She can be quite easily amused at times. Then other times she'll just sit there with a bored expression on her face while we try to entertain her. It's adorable either way. Soon enough Sophie's eyes droop and she goes off to to sleep. I sneak out of her room and close the door. I turn to see Alice. 'See, if you can handle being around Sophie like that you can handle being around Bella.' She smirks. 'No. Sophie's different. She's family. She's here to stay no matter what I say and if I avoid Bella then there's no harm done. And besides I don't crave Sophie's blood like I would Bella's.' I reply and then walk away. 'You can't prevent this, Edward. It's time to suck it up and deal with it.' Alice smiles happily and walks off. I just sigh and go off to my room and listen to music softly.
Carlisle's P.O.V.
After a long day at work in the Seattle Hospital after being called out there this lunch time. Once my jacket is off,
I go straight up to Sophie's room and open the door. She's already asleep. I close the door and go to find Esme. I find her talking with Rosalie and Alice on the couch. 'Hello.' I greet and sit down beside Esme. She smiles up at me as I kiss her forehead. 'How was work?' She asks. 'Long.' We talk for awhile before watching some TV for a few hours. It was 3 o'clock in the morning when I heard Sophie crying. I headed for her room but stopped in the hallway as she stopped crying. I walked up to the doorway and saw Edward cradling her. I smile and head back to the living room. I then hear movement in the kitchen and find Edward sped to the kitchen to get Sophie a bottle and feed her. Once Edward feeds her, he changes her then places her back in her crib. Edward goes off again as usual. 'Carlisle. Bella is moving to town any day but he still won't listen.' Alice says. 'There's nothing we can do, Alice. If he doesn't want to get involved with her we can't force her.' 'But Bella is his mate.' 'If so then everything will sort it's self out.
Edward's P.O.V.
After Bella Swan moved to town all I wanted was her blood. I could barely go near Sophie because Bella is here. After a week, I have my thirst quenched and I speak to her. I tried to be-friend her but then went back on it but then I saved her from being crushed by Tyler's van and then saved her from some drunk lowlifes and now I'm trying to be friends with her again. But now Bella has figured out that I'm a vampire and my whole family are vampires. But she obviously doesn't know about Sophie yet. And I guess now we're just dating. She's meeting my family today. Properly. I lead her up the stairs. I introduce her to everyone. 'I hope you're hungry.' Esme says. 'Yeah starving.' 'She already ate.' I say. And Rosalie smashes a bowl of salad. Bella speaks up. 'It's just cause I know you guys don't eat.' 'It was very thoughtful of you.' Carlisle says. Then Sophie begins crying and Bella looks confused. I look out towards the stairwell. 'I'll get her Edward.' Carlisle says and walks off. 'You clean this up.' Esme says to Rosalie. I take Bella upstairs to my room. There's a few moments silence. 'What no bed?' She asks. 'I don't sleep.' 'Like ever?' 'Never.' Bella walks over and looks at my music collection. 'So the baby crying?' Bella asks. 'Carlisle adopted a baby who took a liking to him. Her name is Sophie. You can meet her later if you like. She's human too.' I explain. 'Cool. Yeah, that'd be cool to meet her.' She says. Bella then plays the last song I had on. 'The view from here is so amazing.' Bella points out. 'Would you like to have a better look?' 'Sure.' 'Well you better hold on tight, spider monkey.' I say and spin her onto my back and leap for the tree.

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