Chapter 10

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      At first her nose twitched. Then slowly her eyes opened and blinked a few times. At first everything was blur and white and then it grew out to be clear and then still white.

       Bright white light.

        It soon dawned on Angelica of where she was. They had found her.

           Even though she was on her guard, they managed to find her. 'How?', she wondered. Was anything suspected out of the daily normal life she had chosen to live?

           Well... no! But their might be one. The waiter. She had seen him a multiple times. In different disguises but she did recognise him most of the times. But only he was around. And he must be the reason why she was here today.

          She knew she had to keep a look out for herself, yet she managed to get caught. Only because she didn't get rid of the suspicion she had. Only because she didn't want to draw attention and prove that she is normal. She didn't really realise that he knew her deep, terrible secret.

         Kitty got up and realised that she was chained to the spot. The chain had her gripped from the ankle, preventing her escape. But it did have one more motive. Just that she had no clue about it.

         She tried easing herself out of it. When it wasn't working, she tried breaking it. She knew she had the strength but it didn't seem enough right now. Then she realised that there was something in the room that was weakening her and keeping her powers in control.

          Frantically, she looked around, searching ways that might hold a chance for escape. Even though with the time she had in hand, she found none but noticed that she was kept in an empty white room which had only one thing, a one-way window and she couldn't see anything but her own reflection.

          And she was her birthday suit. But she sure felt eyes on the other side solely concentrated on her reactions.

         Suddenly a current passed through the chain that kept her there and it hurt badly as it made her knees weak and she fell with a yelp.

         For a moment, it stopped but started again.

        Her body quivered with the intensity and she let out whimpers as it was making her weak by stealing all her energy. She barely had enough to scream.

         The second time, when the electricity went through, it was more than she could take. And thus with time, she collapsed.

         You saw all of this from the other side of the mirror and you winced as she let out the audio form of her pain. You got this awful feeling tied up into a knot in your heart. It hurt so much.

       All because you already had the experience of it and you didn't wanted anybody else to feel it too. Plus the girl who was chained up there was too young to bear all of this.

        At that moment, you had the deepest urge to scream, begging them to stop. You couldn't let her get hurt.

       As much as it was affecting her, it was affecting you too. But you couldn't do anything. It took a lot out of you to get this lab to trust you. And you would have to go according to the plan. It might take some time. But it was better to do it without arousing much suspicion.

         You and Luke did manage to escape and this time, Luke managed to steal all the reports regarding about the two of you, delete all the data saved on the computer and also got a huge tin which contained a particular drug. The plan which had in that time had worked successful.

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