Chapter 8

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Reader-chan POV

"WHAT?!" shouted commander Erwin, while slamming his fist on top of his desk.

"We can't find her sir...we apologize!" whimpered a soldier. I walked towards Erwin and placed a hand on his shoulder, and I gasped when it went right through him. Said commander was breathing hard, looking down at his desk. He then sighed and slumped down his chair, running a hand through his hair. I frowned and leaned down to his height.

"She's been missing for over three weeks sir...I doubt we'll be able to find her..." said the other soldier.Were they talking about me? Commander looked at both of them.

"You're dismissed, cadets," he said. The nodded and scrambled out of the door. Commander Erwin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Why do you want the brat back so badly?"asked a familiar voice. I turned around and saw Levi standing in front of the door of the Commander's office with his arms crossed over his chest. Commander Erwin looked up and sat straight in his chair.

"Is it because she's a better titan than the other brat?" asked Levi. I glared at him and huffed crossing my arms over my chest. Why does he always have to bring up the fact that I'm a titan when someone mentions my name?

"Of course not Levi. You wouldn't's more than that. Much more," responded Commander Erwin as I sat on the edge of his desk.

"What do you mean by that?" as Captain Levi asked, Commander Erwin looked up at him (a/n: since he's sitting down of course xD), with a small smile plastered on his face .

"Ever since I took (y/n) in, she's been like a daughter to me...watching her get stronger and smarter as time passes is enough to remind me that she's more than what most people think she is: a monster...I care about her and I wish she would realize how much I care about her safety and well-being..." explained Commander Erwin, and looked at him with a stern expression, "that's why I intend to find her."

Captain Levi then walked behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sure we'll find her..." I felt tears threaten to spill down my cheeks, but I forced them down. I then turned towards Commander Erwin.

"Commander! Captain! I'm here!! Please listen!!" I sobbed and tried to take the commander's hand but mine went through his. "I miss you too commander!!" I shouted and suddenly my vision began to get blurry and soon darkness surrounded everything...

My eyes snapped open and I inhaled sharply. I panted as I looked at my surroundings. I was in my room, on my bed...with my gear off as well as my jacket, boots, and cloak. I sat up and winced as I felt pain on my back. I looked to my left and saw my clothing folded neatly on a chair, with my boots and gear on the floor beside it. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I remembered my dream...Commander Erwin has cared about me! I was so stupid to doubt it. He's been like a father...a real father, unlike the one who abandoned me after experimenting on me...

I shook my head at the thought of my biological father. I really need to find my way back home apologize to my squad, Captain Levi and most importantly Commander Erwin for acting like a child...

I sighed and got up from the bed, and I noticed my hair was slightly wet...I grabbed a few locks and smelled them. I smelled vanilla. I must have taken a bath before I went to sleep...But I would have remembered!! I searched in my mind for last night's events, but couldn't find any memories of what occurred. I gripped my hair and groaned. What happened? I looked down and saw that I wore a silk nightgown, unlike my usual sleeping attire: my uniform's shirt and pants.

I walked over to the closet and pulled out a clean pair of pants and a shirt. For some reason, a day after I got here, my uniforms appeared in the closet. I changed into my usual attire and as I put on my gear I tried replayed what I remember from last night. We were going after jack the ripper...I would keep watch outside his house...Ciel was dressed like a girl and Sebastian was his tutor...I used my gear to fly back...That's all I remember.

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