Chapter 10

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Reader-chan POV

I wonder what Erwin would say...if I were to tell him I know a demon I thought, smiling at the thought. I sighed and looked out the window. Ciel and Sebastian went to Madam Red's funeral, along with the servants. Sebastian had asked me if I wanted to stay and I accepted.

I looked down at my ripped shirt in my hands. The place where Grell had cut me with his chain saw had a hole. I ran my fingers over the blood on it. If I would have transformed, Sebastian would have killed me wouldn't he? But how? He had no weapon to strike my neck. He would need a weapons strong enough to cut through my hardened neck. I shook the thought away and got up from the window sill. I threw the shirt in the trash and looked down at my ring.


"Erwin?" I timidly walked towards his desk. The commander looked up from his paperwork and smiled at me.

"What is it (y/n)?"

"Well I was curious to know something," I shuffled my feet and looked down.

"Ask anything."

"What's outside the walls?" I asked, looking up into his eyes. He grinned and got up. Commander Erwin walked towards me and kneeled in front of me, taking my hands.

"Besides titans? Well there's something called the sea," he began.

"What's the...sea?"

"Well it's a big body of water, but the water itself has salt."

"Really? Wouldn't merchants be able to sell the salt?"

"I'm afraid that wouldn't be possible...I'll explain when you're older. There's also icebergs, which you can think of as being land made of ice, and there's much more stuff. The outside world itself is very very big," he explained.

"It would be nice to explore the outside world..."

"Yes it would. And when we kill all the titans I'll take you," he grinned.

"Really?! You will," I jumped in excitement. He nodded. I jumped on him and gave him a hug. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

End of flashback

I smiled at the memory. Erwin has been so kind to me...A knock interrupted my train of thought.

"Yeah?" I called out. The door opened and in walked Sebastian.

"So how was the funeral?" I asked as he walked towards me and sat next to me on the bed.

"It was interesting," he responded.

"I'm guessing Ciel is in his study?" I asked. He looked into my eyes and nodded.

"I've been trying to find out what you are..." Sebastian said.


"Yes...but I'm afraid I haven't been able to come to a proper conclusion," he said.

"Why do you want to know?"

"You fascinate me." I shivered when he took my hand in both of his.


"I've never met anyone like you before. Never in my thousands of years in existence," he admitted. I sighed and leaned towards him. I kissed his cheek, which was utterly soft.

He blinked when I pulled back and gave me a genuine smile.

"Have patience...I'll tell you when the time is right," I said, giving his hand a squeeze. Sebastian nodded.

"(y/n) I've been curious to know how your gear works," commented Sebastian. I nodded and grabbed the gear that was at the foot of the bed. I placed it between us and explained to him.

"The gear's name is Omni Directional Gear. It requires us to wear a harness," I explained, taking off my jacket and standing up to show him the harness that was wrapped around most of my body. I sat back down on the bed, putting on my jacket.

"See the two triggers here? This one launches the hooks and this one aims the hooks and a brake," I explained grabbing his hand and placing his fingers on each trigger of the hand grips.

"Next up are the blades. The blades are constructed using super hardened steel," I explained, holding up the sword.

"The fan section includes gas getting is blown directly into the fan to make it rotate. The pressure of the gas is regulated to manipulate the output," I explained, staring intently into his eyes. "The gas used comes from these gas cylinders," I continued pointing at the two silver cylinders.

"It seems complicated for humans to operate," said Sebastian, running his finger along one of my blades.

"It kind of is. Great physical strength, particularly in the legs, as well as the mental strength to not waver in the midst of a panic, are crucial qualities. Which is why we train and train in camps in order to prepare our future soldiers. We have an aptitude evaluation at some point in the training, those who can't stay upright are dismissed."

"How many years of training did you receive?" asked Sebastian, crossing his legs.

"Two...but most require three. There are those who are fast and advanced learners," I explained.

"I'm guessing you're a fast learner," smiled Sebastian. I nodded and laughed.

"I believe Grell mentioned someone...Commander...?" Sebastian inquired.

"Oh...yes. Commander Erwin," I smiled sadly.

"Is he the one who saved your life?" I looked at Sebastian and nodded.

"What's that on your finger?" asked Sebastian taking my hand and tapping my ring. I gently pulled away my hand and hid it behind my back.

"Commander Erwin gave it to me before I got here," I said looking away.

"You really want to go back," he said.

"Yes but I'd also miss this place. I've grown quite fond of it," I smiled. Sebastian stood up and took both of my hands in his.

"I promise you I'll find a way to take you back...maybe a way to bring you back often as well..." said Sebastian. I nodded and leaned in. He placed his lips against my forehead and I shivered. Sebastian chuckled as I blushed. I glared at him and playfully punched his shoulder.

We're Both Monsters (Sebastian Michaelis x Titan!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now