Chapter Five

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"Is he dead, do you think?"

Sophie slowly got to her feet, Claymore steadying her. She looked from Charlie to Claymore and back, a wide grin stealing over her features. "Oh, well done, Charlotte. He will have quite the bruise. I taught you well."

Claymore's head whipped in Charlie's direction. "Seems I have a name at last..." He stared at her, causing Charlie's cheeks to flush.

Heavens, she thought, when did she turn into such a ninny in the company of a man?

"Beg pardon," Claymore said, turning an incredulous glance to Sophie, "but did you just congratulate your friend on attacking a peer of the realm?"

His tone made Charlie smile. The poor Earl was significantly outnumbered. Not only must he deal with an outspoken Charlie, but the no nonsense Sophie as well.

"Charlie would have a good reason for doing so, I imagine," Sophie replied back. "Perhaps you'd like to enlighten me? Or inform others of this injustice?"

It was Claymore's turn to flush. No man, surely, would like to retell of his face greeting a well-aimed punch, let alone by a lady. Or a bloody nose, Charlie thought, grinning. 

Lord Simpton shifted then, drawing their collective gazes. Charlie held her breath as he snorted, his lean, bruised body giving a quake before he fell silent once more.

Greyson was the first to speak.

"I think a better question is what do we intend to do with him now, " his black Hessians gave the man's arm a small nudge.  Simpton snored, but dropped heavily back into his slumber.

"We?" Charlie asked, staring at Claymore in disbelief.

At the same time, Sophie said, "We could leave him for the buzzards."

Charlie moved her incredulous gaze to Sophie. Claymore turned his face away, his bruised jaw making Charlie feel a tinge of guilt. But that wasn't what drew her gaze. Claymore twisted away, but Charlie was positive a smile had stretched over his features. He faced them once more, however, his expression blank. "Bloodthirsty lot, aren't you?" 

"What? " Sophie asked, shrugging. "It's a most expedient method."

"And you know this from experience?" Charlie asked, brow raised.

A wry smile quirked Sophie's lips.  "More like I dreamed of just such an occurrence."

Charlie snorted, "I wonder why I'm not surprised."They shared an amused smile.

Turning to Claymore, Charlie found him looking between them,  eyes wide.  She could almost hear him wondering if they were seriously contemplating such an action.

"What did you mean by 'we?'"

Claymore's attention shifted to Charlie at her softly uttered words. The intensity of his look caused her to suck in a sharp breath. The intensity of his gaze was something she didn't think she would ever get used to. He had a way of looking at her - as if he were seeing her, as if he knew all her secrets.

Charlie shivered, bringing her gloved hands to her shoulders, rubbing fiercely.

"Yes, 'we,'" Claymore said. "After all, if you wouldn't have left the ballroom with such a character, we wouldn't have an unconsious body at our feet to begin with."

"I wouldn't have said that," a voice sing- songed. Charlie glanced at Sophie, quite having forgotten her friend was there. Sophie had moved off to the corner, giving them a measure of privacy. Her hazel eyes danced, meeting Charlie's gaze before she turned back around,  keeping watch on the guests from the shadows.

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