Chapter 10

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"Just do it, Soph."

"I would if you would hold still, Charlie," Sophie said. "I'm cutting your hair, not attempting surgery." Her right hand contained a pair of sharp scissors, the left wrapped around Charlie's locks where they agreed it would be an acceptable length for a stable hand to have. "Although, I might as well be with how you are going on."

Charlie groaned, her head falling back. Sophie gasped, removing the scissors just in time from where they were close to biting into Charlie's neck.

In theory, Charlie had never been particularly vain or concerned with her appearance. For heaven's sake, she was usually in her breeches and shirt, riding Sir Rupert, her horse, bareback. She did not give a fig if her hair snarled during the quick-paced ride. Nor for how it would need to be combed with her customary hundred strokes.

Charlie had been cursing her long hair just the other day. How did one see if one's hair was constantly fluttering about in one's eyes? Not to mention how troublesome it was to dress for the day with all those dratted pins, and the hours she sat looking upon her reflection in the vanity. In the end, her curls still tumbled haphazardly about her shoulders and wished to curl about in whatever direction they desired. And, of course, Charlie thought with a silent groan, how long it took to dry after her evening bath.

So, why, Charlie asked, if it was such a damned nuisance, and if she did, indeed, spend half her life waiting for the thing to be tamed day by day, was this so bloody hard?

Nessie shuffled from somewhere off to her left, and she realized with a start, that time was of the upmost importance.  If Charlie had any hopes of absconding without notice, she didn't have time to be missish about such things.

After Henry had left her bedchamber, Charlie knew the easiest way to secure her future was to escape her uncle's grasp. Charlie would be able to move about more freely as a low born gentleman with no one the wiser. It had made sense for Charlie to call for the one other person, besides her lady's maid, that she could trust.


As soon as the carriages had begun to leave for the evening, the ton twittering away to find their amusements elsewhere, Charlie had sent a post round to Sophie. She had secluded herself in the kitchens, the pluming smoke from the hearth having been put out for the night not twenty minutes prior. Charlie had already changed into her garb. She had her pin money stashed away in a satchel she would place on Sir Rupert. And she had the letter Nessie had penned to her aunt for her position. But it was the next bit that would last far longer than a meager change of clothing.

Sophie had been led to her not half an hour later. She had glimpsed Charlie's face but a moment, still stinging and red, before twisting on a slippered heel, threatening Uncle Henry bodily harm.

"I'm going to murder that man. While he sleeps!" Nessie had blocked the door, leaving Charlie to halt the missile that was her friend. "Nay, I'll wake his arse up so he can watch as I murder his useless hide. The indignity alone will have him begging me for it! See if it doesn't!"

Charlie, noticing her pleas had fallen on deaf ears, had grasped her wrist. Charlie held on, digging her booted feet into the ground, arm muscles straining against Sophie's determined quest forward.

"You know as well as I that killing a peer would see you thrown into prison or worse-"

Sophie had stared at her soberly, a 'what of it' expression on her face. Charlie sighed, knowing she had no choice. She had had to reveal her winning hand.

Releasing her friend, Charlie blocked Sophie's path effectively. "If you are not concerned with your safety, then consider mine."

The words had their desired effect. Sophie had stopped her forward momentum, her back stiff, as her golden brown eyes met Charlie's. Grateful for the temporary reprieve, Charlie had pleaded with Sophie. "If you did, in fact, kill him, I'll undoubtedly be convicted as your accomplice. Not only do you get yourself behind bars, but I"ll be right beside you. How would that make you feel?"

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