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His hands tighten around my neck, his moan fills my ear and brings me too much pride- I am making him feel this good. I push further into his neck and inhale that sweet smell that is him and thrust one last time and I feel my orgasm being ripped out of me as I fill him with my essence.

His hot entrance clenches around my member and the sensitivity brings out a small whine from me- my eyes close and we allow ourselves to relax and catch our breath- our sweat mingling with one another- our hot and sticky skin touching one another- never being an inch apart.

I cant believe how this has happened- three times under two hours- we did it in the kitchen and twice in his bedroom.

Even now I know this is wrong, I am married- I still cant bring myself to regret this- it feels right, I know it does but I don't know why it feels so right- being with him is like breathing air, easy and important- I need Robin.

"What're you thinking about?". he asks, catching me off guard- his voice is quiet and slightly hoarse from all the pleading and moaning he did- god, it was sexy.

I find myself kissing a small patch of skin on his neck- his hand runs through my hair and it makes my happily sated wolf yip- he's never been this content.

"Thinking about you". My answer is honest and direct- traits of being an alpha.

"Are you...". He takes a deep breath, his hand ceases and I growl playfully at him to continue which he does. tingles erupt from where ever he touches. "Do you regret this?". he asks, I detect the fear in his voice and I hear his heart beating faster.

I don't move, I love the smell of his neck.

"I will never regret this. I know I should because I am married but... I cant find it, I don't feel bad for doing this".

"I feel exactly the same way- I don't want to be that person who ruins a marriage- but, being with you Dean... it's like....breathing air". My heart freezes- he said the exact same thing that I used to describe him-- what the fuck is going on?

"I know exactly what you mean". Hiding my smirk against his skin.

"but...this cant happen- you have a pack and she's your mate- it will never work". He ruins it by speaking with those ill words I have been dreading to hear- I growl warningly at the conversation.

"Don't. Don't speak about my wife, I don't want her in this moment- cant this just be about us?".

His hand tightens in my hair as he softly pulls my head from his neck- I groan my annoyance at being moved and I meet his eyes- his eyes always make my heart do a jump- so green and earnest- his lips are bruised from all the kissing and I feel another possessive thrill.

"Why do you call her your wife?". He asks with a cute frown.

"Ah, because I am married to her". I reply with sass. A silly question.

He rolls his eyes with a scoff.

"No, I mean why don't you ever address her as 'mate' I have known you for a few weeks now and every time you speak about her you always call her 'wife' never 'mate'".

His question catches me off guard- I have never realised that before and now since he's mentioned it-its true and it makes me feel uneasy.

"I-I don't know....its just never felt right calling her that- I would always get this sickly feeling in my stomach". I admit, embarrassed. I feel like a shit mate.

"We should pretend that this never happened". Robin stated- his voice bland and it sent a painful stab to my heart- I stare at him wide eyed.


"I cant ruin this family, Dean. God, it's so fucking messed up- I have no idea why I feel this way around you and I haven't even found my mate yet".

Something took over as he mentioned his mate, a deep and menacing growl ripped from my lips- " You don't need him-- you have me". I growl as I pushed my head back to his neck and tighten my grip around him, so tight. "You're mine, Robin and no other wolf or shifter is going to get you. You're carrying my pup- our child". My possessiveness has shot all the way up to overdrive.

"Dean, you know you cant do tha--"

"Shut up, Robin. Please don't speak about leaving, just don't...", I cant find the shame of sounding so weak- the idea of him being with someone else, away from me and our child... It hurts more than I can even comprehend.

"Okay". He whispers- his grip tightens on me and it brings comfort to me and my anxious wolf. "I'm not going anywhere".

"You promise?". I ask as I kiss his skin softly.

"For now".

a phone ringing interrupts us and I don't know whether I am relieved or pissed- I reach for my mobile and find it on the bedside table- I look away from Robin and frown at the phone in my hands.

"This isn't mine". yet I still answer the phone- hey, what if some pervy man is trying to steal MY lad. not gonna happen.


"Rude". Robin whispers with a small smile in my direction, I look down at this beautiful wolf and feel a swell of pride within my chest- his hair is cutely messed up.

"Hello, is this Robin?". A soft voice speaks out- she has an accent.

"No, this is his partner". I feel another thrill of possessiveness course through me at that small statement- I want this person to know that Robin is off bounds.

"Oh, You must be Dean!". She exclaimed with what I think was excitement.

"How do you know me?". My wolf goes on red alert and I find myself covering more of a now frowning Robin- I've gone into protection mode. I look around the room.

"I've known of you for a long time- Listen, I have something to tell you and it's important, vitally important". She almost begs.

"Who are you?". I roughly ask, I feel my wolf on the edge.

"I'm so sorry, where are my manners? My name is Violet Winters and I am the witch who cursed you".

What. The. Fuck.


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