The New Kid

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Jessica's POV

My friend Melany and I were sitting back, drinking our juice on the story-time rug when the new girl walked in. She had tan skin, and curly brown hair. We had never seen her before, and we knew everyone at Riverside Preschool. Something had to be up.
"Get a load of the new girl", Melany said, pointing at her and sipping her juice.
"Attention, please", Mrs. Cason called, clapping her hands to get our attention. Of course, we all turned to look at the new girl, who had the first-day-tear-stains on her cheeks.
     "This is Cameran, but she goes by Cami. Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself Cami?", Mrs. Cason asked. It wasn't exactly an option though. Cami knew that she had to tell us about herself.
"I, um, my name's Cami...", she began.
"What are some of your hobbies, Cami?", our other supervisor, Mrs. Blasena, asked.
"Well... I like drawing.", Cami said. A few giggles were heard across the room. Cami blushed and looked down.
     "Cool! I hope you have a great time at Riverside Preschool Cami!", Mrs. Cason chirped. "Alright everyone, playtime!"
     You already know we went over to that new girl.
     "Hey, I'm Melany", Melany greeted.
     "And I'm Jessica", I said. "Nice to meet you."
     "You too.", Cami replied. After a few moments of awkward silence, she asked, "So... What do you guys do for fun around here?"
Melany and I looked at each other and smirked. "C'mon, we'll show ya", I whispered. "Follow us".
We walked down the long hallway, full of different classrooms. Riverside Preschool was very big. We finally got to the door labeled "BATHROOM", but we couldn't read, so there was a picture of a toilet.
"Wait", Melany interrupted, grabbing my shoulder. "Are you sure she's ready for this?".
I turned to Cami. "No tricks, no risky business", I said in the most serious tone I could muster. I stuck out my hand and wait for her to shake it.
Sure enough, she stuck out her hand and we shook on it. Melany lifted me so I could reach the doorknob. I twisted the knob and the door flew open.
"You're going to love this", Melany said with a smirk.
We stepped inside of the bathroom, and closed and locked the door. Then, Cami and I made a platform with our hands and boosted Melany onto the windowsill of the bathroom. Finally, she opened the window and pulled us up.
We climbed out of the window and on the roof. There, we had our secret stash of Animal Crackers, juice, dolls, and sunscreen.
"Welcome to our secret hiding spot!" I shouted. This was the start of a beautiful friendship.

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