XVII - Vulnerability

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March 15th, 2016

I can tell that someone is gonna like this chapter a lot... ;) I'm lookin' at you, JoJo.


Chapter Seventeen

"They told me you woke up late last night," Seline said as she walked into the infirmary. He was currently the only one occupying it. Well, the healers were also there, but he was the only patient.

He nodded slowly, staying laid back on the bed. He seemed upset, and why wouldn't he be? He had just lost two of his closest friends.

"They are dead because of me," he suddenly said, making her freeze in her steps once she reached the foot of his bed.

"Felman, don't say th-"

"They are, Seline!" he shouted, and she raised a brow at his sudden anger.

She had seen this many times before. Hell, she had felt it. Emotions are intensified when a traumatic event occurs. Everything was just that much more difficult to deal with. Anger, sadness, everything. It was all felt that much stronger. Especially guilt.

"Felman," she sighed, walking over to his bed and sitting down in a seat next to it. "It wasn't your fault. They were leaving to take the catch back to the castle anyway. You were just there for the ride."

He stayed quiet for a second, then let out a shaky breath and laid back a little further into the bed.

"Did you have any close friends in Midgard, Seline?" he asked. "Have you ever lost them?"

She nodded. "Of course I have. Many times."

"Did you have any friends that you had to leave behind?"

She nodded again. "Yes, one close friend. Jordan."

He sighed softly, as the stayed in silence for a few seconds. "We can live to be five thousand years old, and yet, a simple stab can kill us all."

"I know that you likely don't want to hear this, Felman, but everything happens for a reason."

He narrowed his eyes at her a little. She had struck a nerve.

"I've accepted that, and you need to as well. Maybe if I had done something else, maybe if I had been a little faster, they would have lived... But they didn't live, and I didn't do all that I could have. I can't go back and I can't change that, and neither can you," she said, her voice cracking a little bit.

He stayed quiet, then looked down. "When are we going back?"

"I have go head back today, in a few minutes, actually," She bit her lip a little. "I need to tell Gunna and Augustus what happened. If a messenger hasn't already."

He nodded slowly, and he looked down at his hands. She could see the tears begin to form in his eyes, and felt a pang in her heart.

"Tell them I'm sorry," he said, his voice cracking.

She leaned forwards and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly. "It was never your fault, Felman... They're in a world that is far more beautiful than this one. You must know that."

She felt him nod against her shoulder, and she pulled away.

"I'll see you soon, Felman," she smiled softly at him.

He nodded again, smiling sadly at her. "Goodbye, Seline."

A few minutes later, she was outside of the castle at the stables, preparing a horse for herself. It wasn't until she was leading the horse out of the stable that she saw four guards make their way to it.

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