XLVI - Pentagram

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Chapter Fourty-Six

When Seline told Malachai that she wasn't afraid of him, she didn't lie. They both knew that. She was not scared of what he could do, simply because they both knew that she could remove his head from his shoulders the second he tried to do anything that she deemed unnecessary. It seemed that this interested him greatly, because he showed up at the glass doorway of the balcony connected to her hotel suite later in the night.

She knew he was there; it wasn't hard to tell. His heart was racing with excitement. He likely knew that she could hear him, but he knocked anyway. When she looked at him, he smirked and waved three fingers at her.

She opened the door all the way, then turned away from him and went back to the desk again. She went through the many papers again, listening while he came in and shut the door behind him.

"I did offer you a room at our home, my dear Seline," he chuckled. "And you chose a hotel instead? I find that rather insulting."

"Good," she said, almost absentmindedly. She had work to do, and he didn't deserve much of her attention.

"Is that really your wish?" he asked, clicking his tongue. "I'll warn you, darling, I'm not a very gentle man."

"That's wonderful for you," she said. "Now, I do believe that we don't have to see each other until tomorrow. So if you would excuse me-"

"I'm not going anywhere," he stated coolly.

She looked up from the papers to narrow her eyes at him. "What do you want from me, Malachai? I'm already trading you my soul the moment that I die. What else are you adding to your price?"

"Why, you, of course," he chuckled. "I would like for you to stay here. We both know that I could rip away everything you care for if you do not."

She darted forwards, her hand wrapping around his throat. His back was against the wall, and her hand was gripping his throat rather roughly. But she let her hand go lax a little, making sure that he would be able to breathe and speak if he needed to.

"Darling," she said coldly. "I'm a thousand years old. Do you really think that I don't know the extent of my own power? Of course I do. I'm well aware that I possess one of the strongest souls on this planet, and that you are just dying to have it as your own. I know that you don't want me, Malachai.You only want my life force. And you will get it the moment that I inevitably die. We made a deal, Malachai. And Soul Stealers don't break deals."

He looked stunned for a long time, but then a smirk slipped over his face. "You're not just protecting yourself, are you, little vampire?"

Her eyes widened the slightest bit, and that was enough for him. He grinned, then reached up and removed her reluctant hand from his neck. He slipped past her and walked around her, his left hand trailing up her left arm. It went across the back of her shoulders, and a shiver ran up her spine. She hated him, and it took all she had not to break his hand right that second.

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