11 - Testing Limitations: Part One

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Around two forty a.m. Danny was yawning around her hand as she tried to stay awake. She, Aubree, and Monica were all outside Top Shelf and while they may have been buzzed, none of the girls were drunk just yet. It was the second Friday of the month which meant it was girls night.

Only this time boys had been invited to tag along.

"Dammit Danny where's your boy toy? I'm getting tired of standing around and there are far too many boys inside waiting to be flirted with," Monica fussed, lifting the strapless number she wore higher up to cover her breast.

While they stood outside of Top Shelf, that wasn't their actual destination. They'd told the boys that but really they were planning to go to this new club called Echo that had opened up just last week. It was new but already the place had top reviews and was rumoured to be the newest hot spot in Chicago.

Monica wore a strapless black dress that was like a second layer of skin, Aubree wore an equally tight dress but it was a bright red and had a triangle cut out of the chest for cleavage, and Danny wore a fitted white crop top, a belly chain, and tight leather pants that hung to her hips. The girls all looked good and guys had been trying to talk to them all night, but the only guy Danny could think about was at home changing clothes after killing a total of five people.

"He's on his way Monica calm down," Danny chuckled meekly. She crossed her arms over her shoulders and tried to ignore the guy staring holes into her back as she stepped closer to her friends.

"So, Danny, have you met any of Ray's friends yet or is this your first time?" Aubree asked.

"Um first time actually. We talk but he doesn't ever really talk about his friends or family. He can be kinda closed off."

"Is he socially awkward or something?" Monica asked.

"More like hot as hell. Twenty bucks says he has a big dick."

"Aubree!" Danny's cheeks flamed red and Aubree just shrugged her shoulders with an innocent smile while Monica held her stomach and laughed loudly. Both Monica and Aubree didn't really have filters on their mouths so, even though Danny was used to comments like this, it was still embarrassing considering now they were actually pertaining to her.

"Can we not talk about this right now? He's on his way and I'll be damned if you guys embarrass me."

"We're your friends sweetheart, it's our natural given right to embarrass you."

Before Danny could say anything else she felt a hand on the small of her back. She turned around with a wide smile, expecting it to be Ray, but only frowned when she realized it was the same guy who had been checking her out earlier only this time he had two friends with him.

He was middle aged with a thinning hairline but he looked like he could have been handsome at one point in time. It was too bad the tucked in polo shirt, high jeans, and crooked teeth when he smiled made him look like a creep. That and he was just unsettling.

"How are you ladies doing tonight? Think you need some company?"

Aubree frowned, Monica pretended not to notice him, and Danny stepped forward- trying to ease is hand off her back.

The man seemed to have all his attention on Danny and she wanted nothing more than to retreat. When Ray watched her like this she felt sparks in her heart and butterflies in her stomach. With this guy she was uncomfortable.

"Thank you but we're fine. We're waiting on our friends now," Aubree answered smoothly, grabbing Danny's hand and pulling her closer. Before Danny could get to her though the man became bold and grabbed Danny by her arm, keeping her tucked into his side. He wasn't rough or anything but still, demanding much?

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