Epilogue - I Love You

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{Not Edited}

Song: You

Artist (s): Robin Stjernberg

What feels the like the end is often the beginning.


My Graduation Day. Suddenly, I realized it was my last day in high school with mixed emotion and uncertain expression. Sad to leave the school which has imparted so much into me for the last 4 years. Then I sat there with a blooming joyous smile on my face as I thought of finally being able to leave this boring repetitive life. But overall I was proud of myself finally being able to finish and complete this huddle was a great achievement and a stepping stone in my life. 

The word graduation means more than a ceremony for me. It means changes in my life, to reach a higher stage of my life, the time to become a new person, the time to grow up, time to follow my dreams and separate responsibilities from fun.

Graduation day is what all high school students wait for, the big day we all think as grown people and we've made the right decisions because of how far we've gotten. I want to make my graduation a memorable moment in my life.

The football field was where the ceremony took place. Someone above must have known it was  graduation day and blessed us with a beautiful day. I was so excited that the night before the graduation I could't sleep at all. Which is why Dylan and I spent all night texting each other. I tossed and turned all night, thinking about the graduation. I waited this moment for four long years in high school.

We all stood in a line on the right side of the stage. Dylan was standing directly behind me during the whole ceremony. The ceremony ran through quite fast and before I knew it we were throwing our caps into the air. I turned around and jamp straight in Dylan's arms, who happily caught me. 

"Congrats" he yelled over the sound of cheers

"Your too" I replied hugging him closer. I was pulled out of his arms and straight into Gabe's.

"Congrats Sky. I knew you could do it" He praised pecking my forehead. I moved out of his arms and into Jakes who was waiting patiently. 

"thank you Jake. For everything. If it wasn't for you, God knows where I would be right now .Whether I'd be alive or dead. I owe all this to you" I said to him sincerely. I owe everything to Jake. His just ruffled my hair and pushed me towards Evan. I hugged him and moved back towards Dylan who was already congratulating everyone, at least nearly everyone. Chase was too busy locking lips with Tori to notice anything else. Apparently they were in a secret relationship for a while but decided to finally tell us while I was in hospital. 

"I've made a booking at a nearby restaurant. Let's go" Gabe yells pushing everyone into their cars. We were all already dressed under our gowns so that wasn't a problem.Gabe, Evan and Jake travelled in one car. Chase, Tori, Beth and Blake travelled in one car and Dylan, Zac and I travelled in another. We quite a large bunch.


"When are they going to get here?" Dylan asked impatiently looking at his watch. It was winter break and we had all decided to get together leaving our busy college lives behind for time being.  Dylan and I had conveniently gotten accepted into Princeton, along with Zac. Chase, along with Tori got accepted into Yale and Blake and Beth into Columbia. We weren't too far from each other s we could meet quite often. This time we decided to meet back at home. Where we all met.

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