Chapter Six (6)

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Owen's p.o.v

Tyler stayed a total of three hours.

Basically we just watched movies with subtitles, ate pop-corn, chips, candy and drank multiple cans of pop. You know just the typical junk food feast.

It was around seven-thirty Tyler said he had to go, so the polite person I am walked him to the door, shyly waving at Tyler, who smiled and waved back, causing my cheeks to heat up, It was getting fairly dark you could see a couple stairs in the sky and that’s when I decided, I ran down the porch and cut threw the grass, wrapping my arms around him for a quick hug and pulled away before he could react. I spun around and ran back to my house closing the door. and wrapping my hands around myself to save the warmness form that short little hug I just gave Tyler

I walked up to my room and flung myself on my bed, laying there looking at the ceiling. I snapped me head to the side when I seen my door had flung opening revealing my mom with an evil look on her face and tea towel in her red painted finger-nailed hands.


'You like him, I saw you hug him! I was in the kitchen the whole time!' she signed quickly to me. Running up to me hitting me with the damned teatowel. I scurried away from her.

Sometimes shes just.... She acts like a teenager, yup that is the nicest way I can say it. One of those that always get happy and jump around crazily abusing you--even though they may not mean it.

'Stop. Stop. Stop' I kept repeating to her laughing face, then suddenly.

I fell off my bed.

'Sorry but my son has a crush' She whacked me again wiggling happily. That was a bad excuse, she just like abused me with a tea towel.

Glaring at her rightness', I got up and dusted myself off. 'Not like he likes me though hes as straight as that' I signed pointing at my coat rack using it as an example of a pole.

'But,' she started. 'Even a pole has bends and dents in it' she signed pointing towards the hook used ot hold my coats and swears that are currently vacant. 'And that boy... Hes a good one, I approve' she smiled at me.

My eyes went wide, 'But-'

She held up her hands and signalled for me to stop, which I obeyed. 'Now... Give me a hug and a kiss, I have to get back to cleaning' she signed rolling her eyes.

Which I also did. I gave her a side hug and a peck on her check. 'Thanks'

And after she kissed my temple she left. I love my mom. I thought to myself.

Stripping out of my clothes, I stared at myself in the body mirror. Yes, I may be a short, non-muscular individual that likes guys, and in many peoples eyes may see it as wrong, sick, a sin, and repulsive. But I am me and I cant help it. As long as my mom supports me, I don’t care what others think. Because shes the one that helped me through my toughest times.

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