Chapter Eleven (11)

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Tylers p.o.v

You know how people say kissing the same sex is wrong and just isnt right ?

Well that isnt true, even the little kiss I gave Owen felt so right. Like when I held him the night before and like I am doing right now. Its like his body was made to fit into mine.


Actually I am pretty sure I like him. But a boy ? My parents would never accept me-never ever. And I already know that because the way they talk about LGBT's, they think so poorly of them.

Think their abominations, mistakes in life, the devils spawn, a shame, a curse, nuisances.

But were I am right now... I disagree, Owen isnt any of those things, hes perfectly abnormal, a beauty, an angel from God. I dont care if he is deaf, he talked to me... Again. This is the second time, and when his mom had talked to me, she told me that he rarely talks to anyone—let alone thing. She even started to cry. She told me that he has been opening up more I have been around which made me beyond happy, but tonight didnt. 

I yawned and Owen jumped a little, making me chuckle. I kissed his ear and nuzzled my head in his hair cloisng my eyes. 

He cut himself tonight, and he apologized... To me ? He did not need to apologize to anybody, he deserved the apology's by everyone. The whole damned school. Even me! I used to watch him get beat up by Sean and his ass wipe friends.

And again I couldnt protect him, I just had to go play ball with Joe. I just had to, when I let him out of my site, trouble finds him, he tried to kill himself. I walked in on him holding his blade to his neck. How could he do that to himself, do that to me.

Doesnt he know I will never leave him ? What the note said wasnt true, not even close to true ! When I go to school Im going to beat him to a pulp. A bloody pulp. But tomorrow were not going to school, not with him at this statea--we'll skip.. If his mom is ok with it, we'll go to a park maybe, grab lunch. Spend the day out.

Maybe Ill kiss him again. Even though I could now, he was sleeping it wouldnt feel right like it did before--I dont want to steal one I want to earn one.


Song - You and I [DURRRH]

Picture - Well durrrhh, guys kissing ? #TurnOn. LOL


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