Chapter Four - It's Gym Time, Not Nap Time.

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Here's the next part. Quite short, I know. But at least it'a something. ;)

Okay. I have a little question for anyone who is reading this that is American.

My friend and I were having this debate about something. And she said that when Americans are shocked about somethings you use the term 'Snap dragons' And I was like o_O "No they don't" And she said "Yes they do" ...and there started the debate.

For example if someone said "I accidentally ran over your dog." and you would reply... "Oh snapdragons."

I'm sorry if this is random but I really wanted to prove her wrong and I wouldn't know because I like in the U.K. So...Do any of you use that phrase?

Anyway back to the story.

Oh and I made a character list. You don't have to use them if you want. It's just how I see them.


Chapter 4 - It's Gym Time, Not Nap Time.

Once I finally made it to the gym, after an obscene amount of  flirtatious remarks and eye rolls in return, we found it empty. Swallowing the panic that we had missed the entire class, Scott promptly crossed the shiny floor and exited through one of the back doors onto a running field where several other students were already running laps. The coach Scott described previously as some who 'took no prisoners' was a short, plump man with a high receding forehead and also an absolutely sweetheart. He gave Scott a pointed look from beneath his thick eyebrows and waved us both to the door of the changing rooms to spend the remaining minutes of the class running laps of the gym. Due to my utter ignorance of what classes I would be in, my gym clothes were left behind in my bedroom and I was directed to use the mismatched clothes left behind by other students. I did not want to complain but upon a quick inspection, I found that they looked and smelled like they had been thrown in a dump, dragged through a pig sty and then shoved under a sweaty man's arm pits.

 The dark shorts were large and baggy, covering my thighs and tickling my knees while the shirt which I assumed had once been white and now modelled a particularly unpleasant pale yellow struggled to cover the bottom of my stomach despite my attempts to pull it down. 

I almost gave in to the hysterical laughter that threatened to erupt from my vocal chords. 

Managing to recover any shred of dignity I had left, I tugged my hair into a ponytail and exited the empty changing rooms and onto the track where several others were already running. I pulled down my shirt, self-conscious of the curious stares I was getting from the group of boys running past. For a moment, as I raised my hand to shield my eyes from the glare of the sun, I searched the bodies running past for a wave of brown hair and a dangerous grin. He was no where to be found. 

I stepped onto the beginning of the track, aligning myself between two lines. The fresh morning air squeezed my lungs as I inhaled. I stole a glance at the coach, who stood a small distance away, his eyes trained on me with a wary stare. I quickly looked away. Gran had already informed the school about my condition, ultimately for them to know what was happening if a sleep attack ever occurred. He obviously felt unsure about what to expect from me as I could only assume this was his first time interacting with someone with narcolepsy. I could not blame him for it. It was reassuring to know he was there if needed. The coach knew I had Narcolepsy, since gran had told him over the phone last night. 

 As I began jogging I concentrated on inhaling through my nose and exhaling through my mouth, feeling the light tap of my feet hitting the ground. I didn't want to push myself. I knew it was only a matter of time until I have a sleep attack. I only hoped it wasn't in front of a large crowd.

As my body took over, sliding easily into the routine of exercise I followed daily, my mind was free to wonder and its focus came to my brother. I wondered where he was and how he was doing. Was he making friends? 

 "Hello there."

 My feet stumbled before I could right my balance, turning to the voice beside me and I recognised its owner as Tessa from the beach. Her blonde hair was tied up and bounced along her shoulders, brushing against her shoulders and her shirt where unlike me, she wore the proper kit of a yellow polo shirt with the schools crest and navy shorts.

"Tessa," I greeted with a smile. "I've been wondering when I'd see you." I sounded breathless after my little stumble. We jogged beside each other, her slightly shorter legs kept up with mine effortlessly. 

"Same here. I'm glad we're in the same class. Now I can get all the juicy details about what you think of our humble little school." 

"I am going to need you to explain how this school is in any way little or humble. I prefer the words giant and monstrous. I got lost this morning. It was incredibly embarrassing." I said, grinning at my own torment. 

Tessa left out a breath of laughter, patting my shoulder in sympathy. 

 "It happens to us all. My freshman year I couldn't find my class so I hid my car until school ended. It was mortifying." She said, groaning when I burst into laughter at the thought of her hiding in her car while students loitered about. This easy conversation flowed and I found myself telling her about my life back in Colorado as we circled the track. The topics included Ashley, being home schooled and my brother, who she'd met at the beach. I deliberately left out any part of my condition, not yet comfortable about telling anyone I hardly knew. I reasoned with myself that perhaps later I would tell her, when we knew each other. We were coming to the end of our last lap and my legs were akin to jelly. Once we were on the straight leading to the finish line, I saw others who had started before me in front. I noticed a slim brunette among the group of girls. 

 "Is that Chloe?" I asked Tessa, struggling to not sound as if I was panting. She squinted her eyes against before nodding her head. 

 "Yes, she's a fantastic runner. I can never keep up." She said with a rueful smile. 

"Does your brother like it here? Have you seen him?" 

"I haven't seen him today but Chase likes pretty much everything. I can only imagine that he is loves meeting all the new people here. Hopefully I see him next period. It would be nice to be sure." I said just as we crossed the finish line.

She nodded her head and I noticed a small hint of colour on her cheekbones. I could only assume that she liked Chase and I felt a rush of fear that the person I could possibly become friends with was only interested in getting closer with my brother. 

"You're a really good runner. I think I'll run with you more often." She smiled, aligning herself beside me as we turned towards the shower rooms. I nodded my head, trying to squash the unpleasant fear of being used from my stomach. As we came to the door of the shower room, Tessa excused herself to go to the toilet. I placed my hand on the door to push it open but suddenly the world was turning onto its side. My eyelids shuttered closed and head rolled backwards. I was unconscious before my torso hit the ground.  

I can only imagine what would have happened if could have made it into one of the showers first before it hit. 

If only I had been in a private space.

If only he hadn't of found me there.

Since it's nearly Halloween...would you give me a little treat and vote. It would be much appreciated. :D

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