Chapter Twenty Five - Scenery

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Hey everybody. It's been a month since my last upload and I am so sorry. I just haven't had the energy to get up and write. So I'm not going to blabber on all day because you probably want to read the chapter so hope you enjoy. :)

By the way... You're going to get a shock in this chapter. I wonder if any of you have seen this coming. I hope not. :)


Chapter 25 - Scenery

To say I was speechless was an understatement. Words literally dried in my throat. I felt the pressure of the whole school watching me as I stood motionless in front of Scott. His green eyes were filled with mischief they made butterflies flutter around in my stomach, making me feel as light as a feather. And suddenly, my lips pulled into a huge grin. This was perfect. This is what I wanted from the start. I wanted Scott’s acceptance of me in public where everyone could see that he liked me too. I took several steps forward to meet him, my grin still not wavering. Finally when I met him in the middle, the white rose still in my grip, I raised my other hand and placed it on his strong jawline. Our eyes met and my smile broadened.

“It’s perfect.” I smiled, slowing leaning forward to meet his lips. The moment was perfect. Everything was perfect. Maybe a little too perfect?

“Morgan! Wake up!”

My eyes shot open in surprise and it took me almost a second to realise that I was still lying on the grassy bank with the sun beating down rays. There was no kid with a white rose. There was no Scott. And there certainly wasn’t a totally romantic moment where everything was perfect. It was all just a dream. A pretty cruel dream. I turned to see that it was Tessa who had woken me up. She watched me with amusement while Chases head lay in her lap.

“You need to get more sleep.” She winked before continuing to run her hands though Chase’s hair. I then noticed that they now had their assignment baby in their hands and were cuddling it like a cute little family and I was still too much in a huge daze over the fact that I had dreamt the whole thing with Scott that I didn’t even gag at their little family.

How had it felt so realistic? I couldn’t help but feel so overwhelmed with disappointment. Well this was depressing. I fell back onto the grassy bank with a huff and threw my arm over my eyes, hoping to forget that the whole stupid dream never happened. There wasn’t anything worse than having something you want desperately and then having it took away from you so suddenly.

I still hadn’t seen Scott when the school day ended and I felt kind of glad and sad at the same time. On one hand, I wanted to know where he was and I wanted to see his face but on the other I knew that one look at his face and I would get the huge wave of despair I usually got when I thought about that dream.

I walked by myself to rehearsal after school. The parking lot was empty when I crossed it except for the odd car that loitered about. At this moment I appreciated being by myself. I needed time to think. I had told Scott what I wanted and he promise that he would woo me. But I wanted more. That’s when I realised that here I was, young and free, in sunny California and I spent my time moping around over some player. How cliché? I have only been here almost two months and I was yearning for a boy that I hardly knew. Okay well I did know him a lot. I had met his family, he had met mine. And I had witnessed that God awful scene with his disgusting father and he knew my secret.

But what I needed to do was live life for me. I was Morgan Peters. I didn’t need him and I sure didn’t need to depress myself with some silly dream. With this thought fresh in my mind I raised my head and let the independent woman smile that I always knew I had spread across my face. My back straightened and my strides grew longer and I felt like I could burst with confidence. That was until my body decided to play a cruel trick on me and my disorder came full force. I literally fell to the grassy bank that I was now working across. When I finally awoke I looked at my phone and saw that only five minutes had passed. With a quick look around to see if anyone saw what had happened, I got back to my feet and continued my journey to the auditorium. I couldn’t help but chuckle to myself at what just happened. Okay, maybe I was Morgan Peters the independent woman but I was also Morgan Peters with Narcolepsy and I really couldn’t forget about that part.

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