Chapter 3

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*Neville Pov*

"Perfect!" I mumbled after throwing my bag into the car I have parked under my window yesterday night.

"Now, have to wait for the show." I muttered and settled on the bed glancing at the clock.

"Hello!" I said, lifting the call and waited for the message.

"Thanks for everything, Sir." I said, hanging up and took a deep breath.

After half an hour, I heard a car entering the parking lot. I smirked and started counting the seconds and heard my name being shouted within ten seconds.

I stood and walked outside my room before climbing down the stairs and reached the living area where my Dad and Jennifer along with Kate and John staring at me.

"This is it!" I whispered to myself.

"What is it?" I asked, staring at them with a blank expression and folded my arms.

"You removed me from my job." John shouted, making everyone else flinch.

"Did I now?" I asked, frowning and then shook my head.

"What reason did I gave?" I asked innocently.

"That I am not efficient." He replied, glaring at me.

"I am sure I have not such liberty to remove you with that reason on my own." I said sighing.

"Well, the other two heads from other departments gave the same statement." He mumbled fisting his hands.

"This was supposed to happen six months back if you remember but I asked them to give you another chance in which you failed I guess." I said shrugging.

"No! This is your revenge for the reason I..." he started saying the reason, but Kate rushed near him before holding his hand.

"Don't worry, John. My Dad will give you some great job." She said, assuring him.

"I am not removed. I just got sent to a lower level and will not get promoted unless I work for one whole year there no matter what as per company rules." John explained through gritted teeth.

"Oh! And I forgot to mention something. I actually called your university and took back all the leave letters I lied back. I don't want to lie again in my life you see." I said turning towards Kate.

"What?" she screeched covering her mouth.

"Yes! I mean I lied to Dad about you cheating with my boyfriend and didn't want to let other lies stay." I explained again.

"You... you..." she stuttered before shaking her head.

"I will lose my whole year with so many leaves." She mumbled to herself shaking her head.

"What? Do you think I will let you go when you were actually fucking my boyfriend while making me write your leave letters by telling me you are enjoying life with your friends?" I asked glaring at her.

"What? Are you thinking how do I know that? Well, it all took a few calls and few appointment dates of yours to me." I added when she stared at me in shock.

"Why are you doing all this, Nev?" Dad asked shaking his head.

"Don't worry, Dad! I have resigned from the job giving the wonderful reason." I replied smiling.

"What did you do?" he asked, holding my hand.

"Just that I didn't like unethical ways of the directors." I replied, shrugging and he stepped back in shock.

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