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My dad was leaving the house when I came walking up the driveway. He turned around after locking the front door and jumped in surprise when he saw me walking up to him. I giggled and gave him a hug. "Sorry," I apologized. 

"Where did you go?" he asked me, concerned. I understood why he'd feel concerned about me, but part of me just wished he'd understand that I was an adult. 

"I didn't go far, just for a walk in the woods. I wanted to get some air and think over some things," I answered. It was only a half lie. I did go for a walk in the woods. After the incident at the Hale House, I needed some time to think about things—namely Derek and how my hormones acted out against my will.

His concern only grew, a frown appearing on his face. "Are you doing okay, Sarah? You don't need...therapy or anything, do you?" my dad asked me sincerely. I knew that he was referring to what had happened at the video but if he only knew the half of it...he'd send me to therapy in a heartbeat.

"No," I denied with a laugh. "No, I'm okay, Dad, I promise. I just wanted some air after studying, that's all," I assured him. 

His face softened a little after hearing me talk about homework rather than the attack and he gave me another hug. "Well, you let me know if you change your mind. Or if you just want to talk to me, okay?" he asked me.

I nodded and pulled out of his embrace as he kissed my forehead. "Watch out for your brother tonight. I'll be home soon," he told me, walking over to his squad car. 

"Where are you going? Do you have a shift at the station?" I asked him. 

He shook his head as he pulled open the driver door of the squad car. "No, parent-teacher conferences," he told me with a chuckle. 

"Oh boy. Good luck, Dad," I teased. 

He laughed and said, "Well, your brother doesn't have to join me, so, at least I can expect some decent grades."

A loud laugh left my lips as he sat down in the driver seat and shut the door. The car roared to life and I waved goodbye to him as he backed out of the driveway. I pulled my house key out of the pocket of my jeans and unlocked the door that he had locked, and I stepped inside of the house.

I tuned my ears to listen for my brother and I heard him muttering to himself in his bedroom. I dashed up the stairs quickly to find him. He didn't see me at first, as I leaned against the doorframe and crossed my arms over my chest. 

He turned around in his desk chair, continuing to mumble, but he jumped nearly out of the chair and to the floor when he noticed me standing there. "Oh my God," he cried, throwing his hand over his chest dramatically. "Stop doing that!" he exclaimed.

I laughed with pride as I pranced into his bedroom and sat on his bed. "But it's fun!" I mock-whined.

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, so fun," he grumbled, making me giggle again. "So, did you find out why Derek was at the school?" Stiles asked. 

I leaned back on his bed with my hands braced behind me and I nodded. "He wanted to know if Jackson saw anything the other night at the video store," I answered.

My brother leaned forward in his desk chair. "Well, did he see anything?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "Nah, it was pretty dark and he didn't get a good look at the Alpha," I answered.

"Lydia did," my brother added.

I jumped to my feet in a haste. "She what?!" I shrieked.

My brother grabbed a phone that wasn't his and came to stand next to me. "Well, I mean, kinda, I guess. She thinks she saw a mountain lion. She wasn't in school today and I went to check on her and—"

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