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I had my arm around Derek's waist as I helped him up the hill to his house. He was still a little weak from all the electrocution and torture but he was getting stronger. 

"Hold on. Hold on," Derek panted to Scott as he came to a halt with me at his side. Derek let me go and turned to look behind us for a second as Scott turned to face us. "Something doesn't feel right," Derek said as he removed my arm from his waist so that he could stand on his own.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. It was...It was kind of like it was..."

"No, don't say 'too easy'! People say 'too easy' and bad things happen," Scott protested.

I looked at Derek. "He's kind of right," as Derek did a dramatic eye roll.

"What, do you think finding you was easy? Getting away from Allison's dad? None of this has been easy!" Scott protested some more.

Derek sighed sharply. "Fine. You're right," Derek agreed.

Scott tossed his head back and breathed out, "Thank you," as he spun around to head up for the house.

I heard an arrow being released from a bow string and spun around as said arrow buried itself into Derek's shoulder blade. 

He fell back and I dropped to my knees next to him to help him up again until another one was released and hit him in his thigh.

"Flash bolt," I zoned in on Kate's voice.

"Scott, your eyes!" Derek yelled at Scott, who seemed frozen in his spot, as the two of us both covered our eyes when the arrow was released. 

The flash bolt exploded and I heard Scott fall. I looked up when the light was gone and saw him covering his face, trying to see.

I helped Derek take the arrows out, breaking the one in his thigh, and then we both got up to help Scott. "Come on! Let's go!" Derek yelled at Scott.

We ran up toward the house, me trying to keep Derek upright, as he pushed Scott and me toward the house. I turned to see him fall to the ground again as the two huntresses came strutting toward us. 

Kate looked like this was a game that she was about to win.

"Go!" Derek yelled at us both.

I looked down at him with wide eyes. "Not without you," I protested.

"Go. I'll be fine," Derek told me.

I looked over at Scott, who was still trying to regain his eyesight, as a young girl walked toward him. If he wasn't going anywhere, I wasn't going to go either. "Allison, I can explain," Scott said.

"Stop lying. For once, stop lying," she demanded angrily. 

This is Allison?

"I was going to tell you the truth at the formal. I was going to tell you everything," he said as he crawled backwards away from the huntress as she kept approaching him. "Because, everything I said, everything that I did..."

"Was to protect me," Allison finished.

"Yes," Scott said.

Allison hesitated before she answered, "I don't believe you."

But, she was lying. And she was trying not to cry.

Kate sighed dramatically. "Thank God. Now, shoot him before I have to shoot myself," she told her niece.

"You...You said we were just going to catch them," Allison said.

"We did that. Now we're gonna kill them," Kate said, shooting Derek point blank.

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