Chapter Eighteen (Edited 10/6/2020)

876K 81.6K 21.5K

Amazing cover done by erca-bush

Last chapter only got 17 votes :( At this rate, I won't be reaching my goal of 1k votes before chapter twenty :( :(

10/6/2020 - Fully edited this chapter for you guys! Made some additions, I hope you enjoy them hehe. Please, please, please, get those comments back up! It's hard for me to lose so many comments to the edited lines, I miss reading them! 

Silently Falling: Chapter Eighteen


Toby was still at Tyler's when West dropped me off last night, so it was a good thing West "found" my keys or else I wouldn't have been able to get inside. He came home late last night, and again tonight he most likely won't be back until two or three. 

Mr. C absolutely loved the song I presented to him this morning. He praised the lyrics more than any of my previous songs, but I made sure to leave that part out when I told about it West today during lunch. I didn't want him to make some cocky remark like I knew he would, and I had to kick Alyse under the table when she went to give the same praise to the lyrics. 

Truth is, West wrote the majority of them. I give credit to the fact singing along to his guitar was easier than singing to my piano, and doing so made the lyrics come to him quicker than they had me. But, even though that's what I've convinced myself, I am well aware of West's song writing ability. The song he played for me yesterday said it all. He writes with deep emotion, songs that mean something special, and songs that provide a looking glass into his life if you know what you're looking for. 

He writes like me. 

The sudden dark flash of my TV takes me out of my thoughts when Netflix crosses a message across the screen.

Are you still watching?

I grab the remote that's hidden somewhere in the couch cushion and quickly click "yes" and The Vampire Diaries comes back on. This is a standard Friday night for me. The guys are all out at some party on the other side of town, and this time Alyse tagged along. I don't mind, though. While she's probably dressed in some uncomfortable tube top with some typical pair of high-waisted jeans, I'm able to throw on one of Toby's sweatshirts along with some Nike Pro spandex and snuggle underneath my blanket. 

I have a bowl of grapes next to me on my right, and popcorn on my right. I started watching Netflix around eight, and I've flown through nearly six episodes. I glance at my phone, tapping the screen for it to light up, and my eyes nearly pop out of my head when I notice the time.

It's two in the morning.

I don't usually binge watch this long without Alyse by my side. With a yawn I exit out of Netflix to actually head upstairs and get some sleep. However, as soon as I shut the TV off and darkness consumes the room, I hear an engine rev into my driveway. My heart stops and then begins to pound harder as I scramble up off the couch that is in clear view of the parted curtains and hide behind it. Toby usually texts when he's headed home, and there was definitely no messages on my phone when I checked the time a minute ago. 

A minute or two later I hear loud knocking on the front door and I throw the blanket over top of me, hoping that will somehow fix this insignificant problem. But as I peek around the couch and out the parted curtains, I take note of the old, black Jeep Grand Cherokee in the driveway. I let out a huge sigh and stand up, throwing the blanket onto the couch before padding down the hardwood floor to the front door. As I unlock and pull the door open, I do a double take at the sight in front of me. 

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