Chapter Thirty Two (Edited 1/17/2021)

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1/17/2021 - Yes, I made sure to update these chapters back to back! Enjoy...I believe this is the chapter everyone has been waiting for since you started reading ;) Also, a huge thank you to Kailaaa_ann for creating the attached cover! I think it's one of the most unique covers I have received :)

Trigger warning: This chapter is going to dive into her story of what happened with Warren, so please skip that if you need to. When you see the *, that will be the end of Raine's story about what happened with Warren and you'll know you're safe to read on!

Silently Falling: Chapter Thirty Two

West's eyes widen, his shock not easily masked. He stares at me, calculating for a moment or two to make sure I'm not just saying that and that I really am ready to tell him everything. But, of course I am. 

This is the man who wanted to learn ASL just to get to know me. This is the man who showed me his music and has brought mine to life. This is the man who got me to open up about my parents and comforted me at my absolute worst times. This is the man who somehow earned my trust and my heart and held both delicately; and the man who walked to my house in the freezing cold in the middle of the night to ensure both my trust and my heart are still his to hold. 

I would be crazy not to tell him about my past; crazy not to see that I can trust him with everything because what I thought was him breaking that trust was really just him developing it even more. He told me he knew my secret when he easily could have kept that to himself. He only threatened Warren with my intentions at heart. 

"Of course I'm willing to listen, but you don't have to say anything if you don't want to," he reassures. "Just because I blabbed that I know about the court case doesn't mean you have to tell me your story. I want you to do that when you're ready."

"I am ready." 

With another deep breath, I hug my arms around my body and will my earlier speech back to my mind. I knew all along that I was going to tell West tonight, but I had to hear what he had to say before I could bring myself to do it. Now that he's explained his earlier actions and I could listen with a sound mind, I know I'm ready to open up to him even more. 

I haven't told anyone my whole story. I couldn't tell my Dad or Toby. That would have made them hurt more and I couldn't bring myself to do it. Alyse has heard a lot, but even she doesn't know the level of horror I went through. I don't know if I should tell West every little detail either, but looking into his eyes right now- clearly showing that I have his full attention and that he will stick by my side no matter what I say- I know that I can tell him everything. 

"It was the first party I went to. Alyse and I were just freshman and Toby was only a sophomore, but he had been invited by some seniors and offered for us to tag along. I was hesitant since we weren't invited by the hosts and we were just measly little freshmen. But then, Toby told me that his best friend, Warren, was going too and I easily changed my decision and decided to go." 

West stays silent, hanging onto every word I say. His posture does stiffen upon learning that Toby and Warren were once best friends and for the fact I just alluded to having a minor crush on him. 

"I did have a crush on Warren. He was my brother's best friend, cliché right? He just...he was at the house all the time, loved to pick on me and tease me, and every now and then he'd throw in a compliment that made me think he actually liked me, too."

My voice nearly gives out. But I don't know if it's due to the strain on my throat, or the long buried memory of liking Warren resurfacing. I hate to admit that I did have a crush on him. It was something Nathaniel Snow capitalized on during the trial, using it to attempt to prove that I wanted Warren. He made me look like a liar on the stand. Made me admit that ever since Toby and Warren became friends in elementary school, I had a huge crush on him. A childhood crush must mean that I wanted to be forced into a room to have sex with him, right? 

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