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Dr. Emmett's pov:

Oh no!! My ring is missing.

What!! Where did you left it. You know how much important is that? Asked Dr. Emmett.

I remember... when I moved Evlyn to the basement, when I was tying her she caught my hands so hard... maybe it will be there.

Okay judy. Come let's go.


June's pov:

I still can't believe that Miss. Claire is Judy. We found Evlyn in the basement of her house.

Now I got why she was more concern and over enthustiastic about monica's health.

It's our mere luck that I saw those pictures in lucas room . The yearbook which is old , had Miss. Claire's aka Judy's photo.... which also has Elina's and Adrian's.

And those pictures that zack had in his camera.., revealed that the devil is Miss. Claire but not monica!!

We took Evlyn to my home where all the others are waiting.

Monica was sitting on the couch with snowglobe in her hands.

I went near to her.....

So when that ball was broken, you are free, then judy with help of him came as Miss. Claire!! I asked.

Yes.. because I can be free this made her fear . She tried to get me into that again but I came into monica's . This will be very difficult to seperate me from her body. This made my soul strong.

She manipulated you all to give that snowglobe to emmett and get me to them.But....

Yeah, Dr. Emmett told me that he know that Miss. Claire is judy . He told me to get you to his home to help us. But when I saw those pictures in which judy was there , emmett was also there in one picture which he didn't knew.

Because of those pictures lucas was in coma.... as he came to know about them.

How to destroy Miss . Claire soul? Asked mike.

I know...... I know a priest who can do this. He is very close to my family.He can do Exorsicm. I had called him. He was aware of our situation. He will be here.

Elina you will sure leave monica after it ? I asked.

I too don't want to be here like this, she said in a low voice.

There was a knock on the door. Mike watched through the peep hole. It was father george.

Ashton explained everything to the father.

Father will you help us!! Ashton pleased him.

Father George looked all of us.

There is something gruesome here. I can feel it.

He came near to monica.

"You are a very weak soul", you don't have energy to fight for your peace, he said looking intensely at her.

But there is something unusual here,which is not good.

Father, we have to hurry. Our other friend is in coma. We can't let evil to win, cried jessy.

Calm down , child. Have faith in Jesus, he rolled his eyes looking us...

She will definitely come for you.... child. She wants your soul.

But how can we destroy the evil! I asked.

We can destroy what is created, but we cannot destroy the thing which is not created!! He said with a glint in his eyes.

What do you mean? Asked mike.

Those are demons, I'm talking about. I'm sprinkling this holy water on you.

He walked around the house. We litghtened the candles.

Father George took the bible and some accessories.

We have to lit fire. Do you have anything that is related to evil....

Yes..... yes. When I was in the basement, this ring slipped from her hand, evlyn handed it to father .

There was continues knock on the door and opened wide and there stood Miss. Claire and Dr. Emmett.

Father what should we do now....? Asked jessy.

Don't.... don't you dare to run away from me. I will not leave you all that easily.

She came near to us.

Father George took the ring in his hands..... and threw it in the fireplace.

Miss. Claire was laughing evily.... what you thought? If you destroy that ring , you can destroy me! It's never gonna happen., with that she started moving towards monica .

Dr. Emmett caught the father.

Miss. Claire took snowglobe in her hands .

I am dreading this. I just threw the holy water on Miss . Claire' face. She seemed little distracted by this.

We caught hold of Dr. Emmett .

Then father george frisked the cross sign around the neck of Claire.... while reading the bible .

She was screaming so loud to get rid of the cross sign.

The chain cut her flesh. There were tiny droplets dripped on it.

In the name of holy god!! Judy was gone..... Only remaining is her ashes.

Dr. Emmett pushed Ashton and mike and began to cry. He ran fast towards his car and went away.....

Father.... we have to catch him..... We asked.

No need. The devil was gone. He will be gone too.

Now Elina!! Leave the body. You are free now. Your soul should rest in peace.

She stood up and gave that snowglobe to father george.

She thanked us and left monica's body.


A DEVIL IN MY HOUSE!!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum