New Home

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Matt pulled up in a large clearing which contained five small log cabins, one larger cabin about three times the size of the others and a small little outhouse, it was pretty small though.

The forest was primarily pine trees and I loved it, such a massive change from the oak trees in the UK. The landscape consisted of hills which in the UK you might consider mountains and a huge variation of land, as we passed I had noticed a river, and we had climbed up a bit to get here so I was sure this place was going to be tons of fun to explore.

As I stepped out of the truck I closed my eyes as I was hit with the sweet smell of pine and summer, all I could hear were the birds singing, the slight breeze, and of course Chris and Matt, apart from the smells and the sounds, the view was magnificent it felt like something out of a dream or a perfect fairy tale.

“This is amazing.”  Chris said before I had a chance to say anything.

“It’s heaven on earth.” I agreed, but amazing wasn’t quite good enough for this place, it was much more than that. Chris and I took our bags out and dropped them on the floor in front of us. I wasn’t going to be carrying this for much longer; I was too busy admiring our new home.

Matt smiled, please with our comments. “Well, this is your new home boys, there are five cabins, each has three rooms, a bedroom each with a double bed, a small living room, also the room you walk into, and finally a bathroom, fully equipped with a bathtub, toilet, sink, and running water of course. I went through a lot of trouble to build this place, the electricity and running water all come from pipes which had to be built especially underground for you guys, and the electricity goes back to the main pylons back south. You guys won’t need to pay the bills, my organisation does so.”

“What organisation?” I said suddenly realised I knew almost nothing of the man.

“I work for a group of people who help people with gifts and powers like you, however you are only one of five packs in the whole world to have a facility like this which we pay for, the others are situated in different countries, you are only one of two in North American, and the other one is in Canada.” His voice was filled with pride as he spoke of us and his organisation, it must mean a lot to him and I wouldn’t be surprised if he was employee of the month or something.

 “We look after the gifted who have potential and who tellers have seen or foretold of great things. Not trying to be cliché here Tilyer, but being a teller, I know you will do great things, even if it isn’t saving the world or something crazy like that, you will still do great things.”

“Right...” I said slowly “Anyways, carry on with telling us about this place.” I was too eager to care about doing great things right now; I wanted to get to know my new home, what it was like, what it actually was, and how my life was going to be like now I was here.

“Very well, the large cabin other there, it’s a main hall, large table to fit about twelve people on there, but you won’t need all that space, it also has a pretty nice kitchen as well, got both gas and electric stoves, an oven, microwave, and a nice worktop to work on.” He smiled again as he started to walk forwards “The cabins each have their own supply of electricity and everything, the fuses are in the main hall in the back room, and you also have a lake down there” he said pointed down a small dirt path “it’s just a small lake but it is really nice, also has a river running the length of your territory from north to southwest, it also joins up with another river which runs south of your territory. Everything you may possibly need is stored in the main hall and your cabins; you know pans, knives, forks, spoons, buckets, and so on.”

“Ok... what if we need other stuff?” Chris asked as walked up to one of the cabins and peered in through the window “They are pretty clean by the way.” He added randomly.

“Yeah, I had some people clean it for you guys, but from here on out you will need to clean it yourselves, and in terms of money, your money from your banks will legally be taken by us, it’s complicated don’t ask how, and we have some pretty big business people who have gifts and powers  so they donate to help you guys, you will have a steady income but don’t spend all your money, you guys have quite a bit, there is a safe in the main hall as well, it holds about 10,000 dollars right now so don’t mess around with it too much, combination in an envelope. When you are older you will be given a credit card, but you won’t need too much, apart from clothes and some food, remember you can hunt for food, you are wolves after all.” He then turned again to go to a little outhouse it was pretty small and only large enough for something small I guessed, when he mentioned the money I kind of felt dumb for bringing what I did but I knew it might still help a bit.

“Please, guys be careful, I think I talked about everything, oh Tilyer, and there is also a book about other gifts and powers on the table in the main hall it’s for you, so Chris don’t touch it.”

At those words Chris looked slightly annoyed but he didn’t say anything.

“There is food in the storage room to last you a while, ummm.... yeah, you guys will work out how to survive, oh and no laptops or anything, you don’t have the luxury of internet, mobile phones you don’t have, but I left you some nice walkie talkies, pretty sweet if I say so myself, they have like 10 channels and there are nine of them, each a different channel and channel one sends out to everyone, so all the other walkie talkies that are on. They are internal so only you guys will be able to communicate, no nonsense like in movies huh. There will be spares so keep them safe in case one breaks or something.” As we reached the outhouse matt grabbed the doors, took out a key and unlocked them.

He flung the doors open to reveal to our great surprise showed us two quad bikes, they looked pretty awesome, one was black and the other one green, and they were both the same model I guessed.

“Just to get around you know. Fuel you can ask for when you run out.” He smiled and closed the doors again.

“If you need to get around the forest and your territory, just use the quads but if you need to go to town or something  you can either take the quads and risk crashing them, getting arrested, and possibly screwing your lives over, or you can call me but I’d recommend calling in Bob, yes his name is Bob, he will be able to pick you up and take you into town, there is a landline phone in the main hall, but don’t use it too much, ONLY, to call me or things like cinemas when you want to go watch movies, do not, and I repeat do not call family or anything, they will turn your life back upside down and make it a lot worse, so be clever and don’t call anyone who you shouldn’t. You won’t need to call him often I hope and his services will expire when you guys pass your driving tests or something. OK?” Matt said as he started to walk back to his truck.

“Got it.” I replied simply, wasn’t really much else to say.

“Well, I need to go, I won’t be far, and I will check in on you from time to time, I might call as well. Oh and your territory is marked out by the river which runs along the south border and the trees marked with orange strikes on them, they have an “X” symbol painted on them you won’t miss it.” He opened the door to his truck and got in putting his hand on the steering wheel. “You boys be careful, and I might send some other shape shifters here later on, depends what happens. Good luck boys, and see you around, stay safe.”  He opened the glove compartment and took out a bunch of keys on a key ring many with small tags on them “Tilyer, here you go.” He said as he threw me the keys.

“See ya.” Chris said as he waved him goodbye.

“Later Matt.” I smiled as I to waved my goodbyes holding on to the keys firmly.

Cruising down the path he drove off and left us two on our own. Only now did life truly begin for me and Chris, and I must say, I was EXCITED AS HECK.

I knew I should probably be worried and scared a little, but I was just happy. I picked up my bag from the floor and grabbed Chris as I started to head to the main hall.

“Let’s go Chris.” I said playfully as I laughed and started to run.

The Wolf (Book 1)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu