Chapter 4

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It was noon and I decided to take a little nap. But a unpleasant sound woke me up. I saw that the openings in the walls were... moving? They were moving like they were sliding doors. I sat up and I turned around to ask Chuck a question. I saw that he was holding something. I opened my mouth the speak.

"The walls are closing for the night," Chuck explained, "They all close at the same time."

"Why do they close?" I asked him, "What's out there?"

"Well it's good if the walls close, that means we're safe," Chuck said, "We're safe from the monsters out there, the maze is really dangerous you know."

I was confused. Maze? Monsters? What?

"What monsters?" I laid back down onto my Hammock.

"You're gonna have to ask Newt, Thomas or Minho for that," Chuck replied, "The gladers are starting the bonfire. You should go now. I'm staying here."

"Chuck please come with me." I said while looking at the crowd of gladers.

"Nope sorry Greenie." Chuck said. After a few moments, I started to have a pain in my head. I saw letters... they were floating around then I saw that it spelled something. Y/N...

"Y/N." I whispered.


"Y/N!" I exclaimed, "I remember my name! Y/N!"

"Well, nice to meet you Y/N." Chuck smiled at me. I kept on smiling like a freaking idiot. After a few minutes of trying to get rid of my smile. Soon it went away. I looked up and the sky looked like a big black blanket. I saw all the gladers at the bonfire. I stood up. Here I go...

I started to walk towards the unlit bonfire. As I walked closer, Minho and Newt saw me.

"Hey Greenie!" They both waved at me at the same time. I giggled a little and I took a seat next to Thomas.

"Hey Greenie," Thomas waved to me, "Remember your name yet?"

I nodded, "It's Y/N."

"That's better than Thomas." He said. We both laughed.

"Okay!" Alby yelled, "Light it up!"

I saw a small group of boys holding torches. They threw the sticks that were on fire, into the pit of the unlit bonfire. The wood in the pit, was on fire. It was beautiful, seeing the flames dancing on the wood was satisfying. The gladers cheered and danced around the fire. There were a few gladers that were hitting pans and buckets to make some music. Then I saw that there was a group of guys surrounding... something. Thomas ran to that group and I just walked toward the guys.

"C'mon Jackson!"

"Gally push him out!"

"Let's go!!"

I saw that there was two guys trying to push eachother out of the circle. I thought the rule was not to hurt the other gladers? I saw that Frypan was in front of me. I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and he saw me.

"Hey Greenie!" He smiled, "Come here, you need to see this fight. It's been going on for minutes! The longest fight that we had yet!"

Frypan let me have a space so I could watch what was happening. The guy... which I was guessing his name is Gally, pushed Jackson out of the circle. The gladers cheered and they jumped up and down. Gally cheered in victory.

"Who's next!" Gally asked, ready for his next opponent. Nobody answered. They seemed scared. I saw that Minho and Newt, they were surprisingly calm. I stepped up.

"I'll try it out." I said, trying to be confident. Gally turned around and he laughed, "Alright, I'll go easy on you though."

"You don't have to Mr. Gally." I said while we were circling each other.

"Please call me, Captain Gally," He said proudly.

"Sorry, but I ain't your sailor." I sassed. The boys around us oohed and I smirked. Gally scoffed, "C'mon Greenie, I'll let you have to first shot."

"Uh no. I think you have to let me tell you to to go for the first shot... Now that I think of it, I think I should be the one saying, 'I'll go easy on you,'"

(Sorry if you're not this confident. Tbh I'm not confident either but hey it's fanfiction XD)

Gally was ready to charge at me. After a few moments he started to run fast. He aimed for my legs. I simply stepped to the side and Gally fell to the ground. I smirked while the boys around me were in shock. They were dumb enough to not think of that? I put my leg onto Gally's back and he was on the ground. I kicked his stomach and he rolled out of the ring in pain and embarrassment. I won.

Wrong Place | Minho x Reader x NewtDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora