#6 - Panties in a Twist.

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╰☆☆ Chapter six☆☆╮

╰☆☆ Panties in a Twist ☆☆╮

Steve watched a grin spread across my face. "Don't you dare!"

Before he could react, I had switched places with him, quite literally, I might add. Steve now being trapped between me and the bookshelf.

"Oh, I dare," I told him before glancing at Mr Spellbinder. "There's just one tiny little problem." I pointed to the magic dampener on my wrist. "How am I supposed to get his blood when I can't...Well, you know?"

"Ah, easy," with a click of his fingers, the not-so-looking-old wizard released my dampener; the object made a faint hum, and a light flickered from red to green. "There, now once you've sucked some, do not swallow; you must disposit it in the goblet right away."

"Oy!" Steve placed a hand protectively over his neck. "I told you! I don't want her fangs anywhere near me!"

"Don't you want to know who is behind your parents' death, Mr Charmstar?" Our headmaster inquired.

That shut the idiot up, and so it should! Unless, of course, he still believes I was behind it. Honestly, that wouldn't surprise me one bit.

As if he had read my mind, Steve scoffed. "I already know the culprit," he stated, so sure of himself. "You killed them in cold blood!"

I forced my body against him, trapping him further if that were possible. "What if you're wrong? What if you think I killed them, but I didn't?"

That's a possibility, right?

Again, he scoffed. "I know what I saw! Now let me go."

I ignored him.

Closing my eyes briefly, I allowed my fangs to ascend downwards. Was I really about to do this? Not only bite him but suck his blood? Even though it felt wrong, I lowered my head dangerously close to his neck. The flesh felt welcoming as if to say bite me.

Steve's breath fanned across my own neck; I could feel his body shaking beneath me and hear the pace of his heart quicken. Was he afraid? But why? Only humans can be turned into vampires when bitten. So why is he scared? That thought dwelled upon me as I lowered my jaw to the edge of his collarbone.

"Elysia," he breathed out. My name fell from his tongue, and I must admit it sounded somewhat strange the way he spoke. It wasn't like the past. No, this time, his tone was soft, a mere whisper. "Elysia, please don't, not like this."

Since when did a Charmstar beg? Or say, please?

Just as my fangs pressed against his skin, ready to puncture it, an odd feeling washed over me. Something felt odd. A pain shot from my toes to my head, and suddenly, I forced myself away from him.

"Something isn't right," I said, clutching my head. Cloudiness overcame my vision. "I...I...feel...I...feel...hungry?" This, however, was not the usual hunger vampires had for blood. "I desire brains."

Wait, what did you just say? Brains? My inner voice seemed somewhat displeased with my desire.

"What?" Confusion laced Steve's tone. "Mr Spellbinder, what's happening to her?"

My feet stumbled backwards, and I felt like the floor suddenly became an evil spirit wanting to consume me. "Bad ground! Go attack Steve, not me." I snarled at it.

Do you think the floor obeyed me? No, it did not; in fact, it lunged upwards, or maybe I fell towards it. I don't know. It's hard to say when you can no longer tell what's up or down.

An arm appeared around my waist, which confused me. I don't recall having three arms. What the fuck? Though, I must admit, without the third one, I'd likely have met my doom and been swallowed by the evil floor. Pain again shot throughout my body, and my thoughts became a mess. Only one thing seemed clear: I hungered for brains; the thirst was too much for me.

I swear I heard someone click their fingers, then nothing. I was swallowed by darkness.


My eyes fluttered open to find I was lying on a sofa. Huh? How'd I get here? I thought to myself, unable to recall past events. Instantly, I shot to a sitting position, only to regret it.

"Holy hell! It feels as if someone punched me!" I clutched my head. "What happened?"

Steve sat opposite me on another sofa, with a table between us. He wore an expression that almost looked like guilt? Him? Guilty? Ha! Maybe when the hell freezes over! Besides, what does he have to feel guilty about?

"It would seem that the curse Mr Charmstar cast upon you has interfered with the spell. Making it impossible for us to determine who is responsible for the Charmstars murders and framing you, Miss Bloodvial." Turning my head, I saw Mr Spellbinder studying that book from early on. "I'm afraid we may never know the truth."

"Curse?" I inquired, confusioned. Duh! The one Steve put on you? I ignored my subconsciousness. "What one was that?"

Mr Spellbinder glanced up from the old pages and eyed Steve. "Why don't you tell her?" He said before once more, reading the book.

"I don't know what it's called exactly," Steve shrugged, fiddling with his hands. What was that supposed to mean? How can he not know! As if to read my thoughts, he continued. "I heard Dad talk about it once; it's supposed to turn the victim into a mindless creature humans would refer to as a zombie."

"Yes, and it's forbidden, a dark curse, from the old ages. Black magic." Mr Spellbinder closed the book. "Do you know the effects it could have on Miss Bloodvial?"


"Devastating effects! Certainly for a hybrid! I fear you have put the entire academy at risk."

Steve looked puzzled. "Academy, sir? I thought this was a prison?"

"Camp, Academy, prison, same thing," I mumbled softly. "So what you're saying is that I'm dangerous?"

"Indeed, Miss Bloodvial, as it stands out of the two thousand inmates we currently have, you are now the most dangerous."

A grin spread across my face. "Don't get your panties in a twist; I was perhaps the most dangerous person here, with or without the curse."

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