#7 - Trouble is her middle name.

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╰☆☆ Chapter Seven ☆☆╮

╰☆☆ Trouble is her middle name ☆☆╮

A few hours later, I found myself leaning against a metal support railing of the most upper-walled section of Camp Half-Breed's highest advance point. In human terms, I suppose it would be similar to the battlement of a castle.

If it were not for the stale, damp air and dark clouds hovering behind the protective barrier, you could say this place was something out of a fairytale. A fairytale? Really, Elysia? If this is what you call a fairytale, then something is majorly wrong with you. It's times like this I wish I could silence my inner voice.

"So this is where you ran off to Ms Pun-queen, huh?" Glancing over my shoulder, I noticed Ashley putting her long, dark hair into a high ponytail. "I was looking for you."


Her lips pulled upwards to form a grin. "Yes, that's your new nickname."

Ugh, I suppose I forgot to mention my dislike of nicknames. "Yay, me."

"Mhm, mhm, now tell me, why are you being such a loner out here? Aren't you excited for classes tomorrow?"

"Excited? Not in the slightest." Never mind me; something's wrong if she thinks classes are exciting. "Sitting in a classroom full of criminals, doing god knows what sounds rather boring to me."

In my defence, I do find it boring. Why shouldn't I? Since I've already finished school, it's just a waste of my time.

As Ashley approached me, she raised her eyebrows. "Who said our work involves sitting or classrooms?"

I must say, that caused curiosity to surge through me. "Well, this is an academy, is it not?" She nodded. "Then I suspect lessons would be involved, correct?"

"Yeah, well, sort've, you're half correct," Ashley shrugged, standing beside me. "We do lessons here, but not the type you're thinking of. We spend most of the time in the dome."


The dome? What the fuck is that?

As if she could read minds, Ashley laughed. "We train in the dome; Mr Spellbinder built it himself."


"You're just full of questions, aren't ya!" She laughed and bumped my shoulder. "Guess you'll find out tomorrow. But you didn't answer my question: Why are you out here?"

"Suppose you heard about the failed spell?"

"Mhm, mhm, werewolves have excellent hearing! We can even hear through walls, but don't tell anyone, " Ashley said, leaning on the railing beside me. "Just kidding, Mr Spellbinder told me when I asked why Steve looked annoyed."

Was Steve annoyed? I wonder why? After all, he put the curse on me; it's his fault the spell didn't work.

It is his fault.


Also, why does Steve's irritation even bother me? I shouldn't care less about him. Then why do you? That bothersome inner voice did have a point.

"So, why are you out here?"

My goodness, this girl is very persistent, isn't she?

"I'm enjoying the beautiful view," I said, pointing towards the dead trees, rising smoke, and dark clouds hovering in the distance. Ashley raised a brow. "What?"

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