I've Eaten My Boyfriend

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I've Eaten My Boyfriend

Sirius walked through the castle, Remus on his heels. He could feel the fear radiating off of Remus, it tingled all his hyperactive senses. His mouth was so very dry, and he felt a bit dizzy - whether that was from nerves or repercussions of the injury, he wasn't sure. Honestly, he'd felt a bit light headed all day. They ducked into the Gryffindor common room, up to the dormitory, and Sirius walked across the room until he'd met the wall and he could go no further, pressing the palms of his hands against the wall, as though he'd like to push his way right through and just keep on walking... away... into the night... where he wouldn't have to tell Remus what was going on...

Remus spun the lock on the door and turned to Sirius, solemn. "What's the matter?" he asked, his voice steady, but nerves generating an awful amount of energy that seemed nearly electric in the room.

Sirius let his palms slip away from the wall and he turned about to face Rey. "First off, you have to promise me you won't freak out."

"I already am freaking out," Remus pointed out.

"Well, promise you won't freak out worse."

"Sirius, I can't promise that," Remus said thickly.

Sirius paced over to the end of Remus's bed and he gripped the frame of it and leaned forward, taking a deep breath. "Sit down, please."

Remus's knees shook as he walked to the bed and lowered himself onto the edge of it.

Sirius went over and stood before Remus so that Rey's knees were on either side of Sirius's hips and they were staring into each other's eyes, and Sirius pressed his forehead against Rey's and closed his eyes. "Moony. Something happened you dunno about yet and I have to tell you about it, but you gotta know it's not... your fault."

Remus's heart was pounding so hard that Sirius could feel it under his palm as he ran his hand over Remus's chest. "What is it?" he asked shakily.

Slowly, Sirius unbuttoned the oxford shirt, keeping his eyes carefully turned away from Remus's eyes, and he shrugged away the shirt, standing before Remus bare chested in just his trousers. He hesitated, taking a deep breath, and then he turned so Rey could see the bandages on his arm...

"Padfoot... what is that?" Remus's voice trembled. He already knew. Sirius could tell the way he asked, but he was asking out of desperation that Sirius might have a different answer than the one he'd come up with.

Sirius shook his head, refusing to voice the words. He couldn't, his throat had sealed up.

Remus reached out and took the bandages off Sirius's arm... cool air hit the wound and Sirius winced, keeping his eyes closed, not wanting to see the look on Remus's face. He stood very still, waiting... his arm shaking, fists balled.

Rey sat there, staring at it, his hand over his mouth, tears blurring his vision. He put his other hand over his mouth, too, as though covering it might undo the damage it had done.

After several very long moments had passed, Sirius could stand the silence no longer. "Rey. Please. Speak."

"I've eaten my boyfriend."

Sirius couldn't help it. He laughed.

"Stop that!" Remus choked, "It's not funny. It's not funny even a little bit. Did you change?" He stared at Sirius with wide, tearful eyes.

"It was a bit funny," Sirius said, wiping the mirth from his eyes, "Ferfuckssake, Rey, you haven't eaten me..."

"There's a chunk missing of your ruddy flesh!" Remus pointed, "I bloody ate you."

The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα