Take It Back

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Take It Back

Regulus was waiting by the steps leading up into the castle. He'd made himself a deal: if he saw Maryrose first, he'd go to her and pretend the other thing had never even crossed his mind, but if he saw Sirius first...

He was bundled up in his black wool coat, his Slytherin scarf twisted 'round his neck, gloves on his hands. He'd been watching for the thestral drawn carriages carrying the students across the grounds for sometime now - nearly an hour now, and the sun was going down and the sky was turning purple and the lights were coming on, glowing behind him. Far off down the hill, over the walls of the castle grounds, past the trees, he could just see the glow of the village and the billowing smoke from the train, carried off by the cold breeze. He patted his hands together.

Finally, the thestrals started coming up the hill, pulling the carriages behind them, their bony wings flexing gracefully as they came to stops before the stairs to unload their students before turning back to collect more. Regulus stood to the side, watching them unload, seeing faces light up with excitement at the journey's end and the prospect of the warm feast that awaited them inside the Great Hall.

He wasn't sure who he was rooting for to step from the carriages first more.

He breathed out a stream of hot air that hung in a cloud before his face.

It was through that cloud that he saw Sirius Black.

Sirius was jumping down from one of the carriages, his ridiculously long Gryffindor scarf catching on the handle of the carriage and he cursed and turned back to free himself, waving and threatening Peter Pettigrew and James Potter for laughing at him. Remus Lupin was undoing the catch for him and shaking his head in amusement before climbing carefully out of the carriage, Sirius offering up his hand to help him down... The cluster of boys started toward the stairs to the castle and Regulus felt sick to his stomach as he prepared himself for what he'd promised himself he'd do and he took a deep breath...

"Think the elves will have made the roast tonight?" Sirius was asking, "Because blimey I could do for some roast right about now... I'm starving! Hungry as Peter!"

Peter looked up, "One of these times you'll say that and I'll actually be full and --"

"No you won't! Your stomach's a black hole."

James jumped at Peter's back playfully, "He's right, Pete. The neverending gullet. That's what you've got."

Peter said, "I'm a growing boy, I'm allowed to be hungry!"

"Eat all you want, Peter," Remus said, "If that's what makes you happy, then eat all you want. Don't let Sirius's hounding on it upset you."


Remus laughed as Sirius caught Remus up with his arm, "You know dog puns turn me on, Moony."

Suddenly their path into the castle was blocked.


Sirius's arm fell away from Remus as a stream of other students came up behind the Marauders and went into the castle 'round them, glaring at the foursome for taking up the center of the path. Sirius stared at his brother - at the longish black hair and the dark grey eyes and green and silver scarf. It was like looking into a mirror that reflected an alternate world. Sort of. Sirius said roughly, "Get out of here, Reg, before I hex you."

Regulus ignored this. "I need to talk to you."

"Bully for you. Move." Sirius pushed by and the other three Marauders followed, headed for the Great Hall.

The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें