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(Chris refused to talk to me again T.T Tommy gets the Pov)


The wheels on his wheelchair screeched as it was shoved into a corner by Christopher after he'd helped Tommy back into bed. It was clear that the man was mad, so Tommy bit his lip the entire way back to his apartment, and still did his best to stay quiet when he was settled into the bed. Why Chris was so mad, however, escaped Tommy. 

He knew he'd pay for making the man bring him along, but his anger had only grown after they'd left. When Christopher suddenly kicked off his shoes and dropped into the bed beside him, then dialed a number on his cell before raising it to his ear, Tommy looked away. He was listening, of course, but didn't want to seem like he was. 

"Domino?" Christopher asked, his voice dark. 

There was silence on the other end of the line for a moment, then Domino's voice came through the speaker, easily loud enough for Tommy to overhear. 

"This is about the bruises, right?" 

He sounded exhausted and stressed. Christopher confirmed that he was correct, making Tommy narrow his eyes on the wall facing away from Chris. He'd noticed the bruises, but he also knew Jana. The man had likely caused them, but he hadn't seem stressed about them seeing what he'd done, so Tommy wasn't sure exactly what the situation was. 

"Look, it's not what it seems. He's just... really physical in, uh, bed. They aren't intentional. We haven't actually fought or anything, so please don't worry about the bruises." 

The idea of Jana topping Domino was hard to imagine. Not that Tommy tried. He really didn't need that kind of mental image floating around in his head, but still. It was a surprise. 

"You're sure you're okay? Are you going to talk to him about that? If it gets worse, it can be a serious issue. He can't keep doing that to you and expect to not draw negative attention." Christopher replied, his tone serious. He might not like Domino, but he clearly didn't want the man to suffer, or for Jana to end up back in jail, either. 

"Yeah, man. I, we're going to talk about it." Domino said. When they were both silent for a moment, Christopher let out a quiet sigh. "Fine. Please do that. I'll be over again soon to check in on things, and possibly get him set up with a therapist." 

Domino mumbled something on the other end that Tommy couldn't hear, then they both hung up without a goodbye. Setting his phone down on the nightstand beside the bed, Christopher stretched out, dropping his head down onto the pillow. Tommy finally turned his head to look slightly down at the man, who already seemed to be drifting off. 

Tommy knew that the medicine he needed was likely crushed up in pasta sitting in the fridge, and he was seriously beginning to hurt, but he couldn't bring himself to ask Christopher to get up and get it. He looked so peaceful. The worry lines that normally creased his brow were gone, and he was breathing in a slow, comfortable rhythm. 

Christopher's kindle was just to his right, easily within reach, but Tommy just couldn't move his eyes from the gorgeous man. Yes, he was also handsome, but he held a beauty that many men lacked. He had a well-defined face, soft, dirty blond hair, and bright yet daunting eyes. Add to that, his toned chest and legs, and Tommy couldn't help but look. The only thing that bothered him about the man was that he likely didn't get his body size from working out or eating right. He probably starved himself as he spent hours upon hours working. 

He would look even better, healthier, if he would just take some time to relax each week. 

"Sorry... I guess I dozed off for a few minutes." 

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