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(Will probably just have a few chapters to help tie story together) 


"Yes, that's fine, as long as Jade's there with you guys." Adam said before hanging up his phone. 

He hadn't expected Jade to come by shortly after he'd left, and especially not for him to bring Jana. When Jake had called that they were all drying off at the apartment after the sudden rain storm, he nearly turned right back around and ran all the way home. 

Granted, he wasn't too far away, as he was just meeting Wren at a local park a few streets down from his apartment complex, but still. Lowering his phone, he slid the device into his damp back pocket the exact second it chimed with a text. 

This is going to be my luck all day. Adam thought with a hint of humor as he ran a hand through his wet hair. He wasn't soaked, since he'd managed to find shelter for the brief time that it had rained, but his shirt was uncomfortably wet. 

Pulling the phone back out, he relaxed a little when it showed Wren's name. 

I'm over at the coffee shop since it started raining. 

Good idea. Coffee sounds great. 

Heading over to the shop, Adam slipped inside and immediately spotted Wren sitting in a back corner booth. He had two cups of coffee in front of him, so Adam hurried over to drop into the seat across from him. 

"Hey Wren," he said as the boy slid the untouched cup of coffee across to him. 

Adam tasted it, holding back a look of surprise when he realized that it was the same thing he'd ordered the first time he'd run into Wren with Jacob. 

"Thanks for the drink." He said, earning an awkward nod from Wren as the kid wrapped his hands around his own cup. 

"You're welcome, sir." He whispered as he lowered his eyes to the tabletop. 

While he despised being called sir, Adam pushed aside his dislike and offered a warm smile as the coffee began to heat his chilled body. 

"How did your midterms go? It sounded like you were studying a lot last time we spoke." Adam said before taking another sip of coffee. 

Wren's face lit up the slightest amount as he went into a long story about each exam. Adam was used to the boy's enthusiasm about school, mainly because, through their gradually lengthening text messages and short phone calls, that's all he'd really talk about. Sure, he'd slip in a question about how Jake was doing or ask him how his day went, but mostly, it was the grades he was getting as a senior in high school. 

Adam didn't fault him for seeming self-centered... because honestly, the kid absolutely wasn't. Looking at Wren sitting across from him at the table, he could see a shy boy with messy hair and black circles under his eyes. His clothing was clean, almost to the point of being brand new. Yet his shoulders were hunched, he couldn't keep eye contact, and he, likely unknowingly, fidgeted a lot. 

If I were gay, he'd be pretty cute. 

And if I had a thing for little kids. 

Grinning to himself, Adam leaned back in the booth and put his hands on the seat. "So, what are your plans for after graduation? You're valedictorian and I don't see that title slipping, so surely you must already be getting scholarship offers?" 

Wren gave a slight smile, almost as if it had slipped and wasn't actually wanted, before he shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of his drink. "I don't know." 

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