Forever Be

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, but I've been super busy with school and sports and such that I've had no free time. But I finally finished chapter 12 so I hope it was worth the wait.

I'm also going away this weekend so I might not have WiFi to upload anything again soon either. Hotels.... what can you do?

I hope you like the chapter!

Alexa Vega as Char on the side! ------------------------------------------------------------------------->

        kristen19 <3


***McKenna's P.O.V.***

 My head feels foggy and it's hard to think. My limbs ache and it almost feels like I was hit by a car... oh wait, I was.

Stupid jerk driver who thinks it's cool to drive a million miles above the speed limit. Plus, he ruined my perfect night, which isn't helping my attitude one bit.

 And oh my god! Taylor must be so worried about me because I haven't woken up since the crash. I wonder how he's doing if I feel like I do.

Just for him, I struggle to open my eyes. After fighting with my brain to listen for a few minutes, I am able to get them open, but my surroundings are still blurry. Once they begin to focus, I realize something is very wrong. Instead of being still in the wreck or in a bed at the pack house, I'm one the ground somewhere in the forest.

I try to rub my eyes to try to clear my vision completely only to realize that they are bound with Titanium shackles. WTH?!?!

"Finally, it's about time you woke up." My head snaps in the direction of the voice, only to make me feel nauseous. The man laughs. "I wouldn't make any sudden movements. You hit your head pretty hard."

I press my bound hands the side of my head where it hurts the most and I wince at the light touch. I gingerly bring myself into a sitting position and look up at the blurry person in front of me.

"Where am I... and who are you?" I ask, trying to ignore the throbbing in my head.

"As to where you are, I can't say, but to who I am, you can call me Grant." He squats in front of me and touches his hand lightly to my face. I flinch away from him and he frowns, but keeps his hand to himself.

"What do you want with me? Can't I just go home?" I ask, sticking my bottom lip out in a pout, but refusing to cry in front of this total stranger. I can't cry because it won't help the situation.

He sighs.

"As far as I know, you don't have a home, unless you consider the place where your mate is your home.” I look at him, surprised that he knows that Taylor is my mate. For crying out loud, I just met him tonight... or yesterday. The sun is peeking over the horizon making me believe that I've been unconscious for a while.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say, deciding to play ignorant. "I haven't found my mate yet." Saying those simple words makes my heart shatter and my wolf mad.

His eyes narrow in anger and he raises his hand to hit me. My eyes immediately squeeze shut, waiting for the blow to come, but it never does. This surprises me because before Morgan and I left our pack, my father wouldn't hesitate to hit me if he thought I was lying.

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