Chapter 44 (Part 1)

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***McKenna's P.O.V.***

"What do you mean Terra's hurt?" Taylor screams, losing what little control he had. I grab his hand and draw him to the to sit down next to me. Instinctively, he wraps his arms around me, but keeps his intimidating glare on Gena.

It's understandable that he's mad. I think he considers Terra a part of his pack because of how I am with her. He might deny it, but his reaction kinda speaks for itself and I'm not the least bit jealous he's so worked up over my friend. She got us together and she has her own mate that she already loves enough to give up her nomadic lifestyle she's been living for these past months. 

"She- I- I got this feeling when I was downstairs an-n-nd then I felt extreme pain all over my body." She stutters, looking scared under my mate's stare. Ian steps between the two and kneels down to look her into her eyes.

"You're okay though, right? Nothing hurts?" He looks up and down her body anyways to check for himself, not even waiting for her answer. The tension in everyone's shoulders hasn't lessened since they males crashed our party, but their anger has slightly subsided. That doesn't mean they're any less mad we sneaked off to a club without them knowing where there are a bunch of pervy guys.Cue the eye roll.

"No, I'm physically fine, but Terra... I don't know what's specifically wrong, but she's in danger. Something's not right." I look to Violet, the two of us communicating with eachother how bad this is. She is Princess afterall with knowledge and definitely the power. If someone has control over her whether it's blackmail or something else, it's really bad.

"What was that look?" Taylor demands, turning my face to look at him.

"What look?" I ask, feigning ignorance, but he already knows I'm lying. One thing about a mate bond is you can't lie to them... kinda sucks if you ask me.

"Don't even start. I know there's something you're not telling me and your best friend is in danger so I suggest you spill whatever it is you're not telling us." He crosses his arms over his broad chest and gives me the look daring me to lie now. Sighing, I bury my face in my hands. Might as well just say it.

"Terra... well, she's different in more ways then one. She's got these powers given to her by the spirits to be able to complete some sort of mission assigned to her from the supernatural world. She didn't know what it was last time I saw her, but she works hard to get better at using them."

"Don't forget the other thing." Mo interjects, smiling sheepishly at my impatient expression.

"I was getting there Mo, but thanks for the reminder." She smiles and I roll my eyes. "Terra is also a V.I.P. in our world. If you want a title, she's specifically a royal." The boys' mouths fall open in surprise and don't do a very good job recovering from the announcement so I can continue while their silence lasts. "She ran away and Char took her in like she did with the rest of us. She might have known who Terra was, but there's on way of knowing now." I shrug and glance at my mate who looks deep in thought.

"They certainly took it better then I thought they would." Violet pipes up, looking content and relaxed leaning against the wall. If you look closer you see from her posture that she's tensed and there's a small frown line in between her eyebrows.

My sister laughs quietly.

"Yea, if you count them not being able to talk at the moment taking it well, then yes. I  agree with you." She waves her hand in front of Adrian's face and he seems to snap out of whatever trance he was in.

Is it really that hard to believe that we know the princess? Come on guys, it's time to come back to reality.

"So Terra is really the princess?" Taylor asks slowly, as if he's testing the words on his tongue. I nod in response.

"Pretty much. Our girl is Princess Atierra Mariella King a.k.a. Terra." I hear something like a smack echo throughout the room and we all turn to face Ian. His for head has a red spot on it and Gena has his one hand locked in hers. If that doesn't tell you what happened, then the fact that she's scolding him not to hit himself should tell you instead.

"I should have seen it!" He exclaims, throwing his arms up, disconnecting their hands. She frowns slightly, but doesn't say anything.

'What are you babbling on about?" Taylor snaps and Ian rolls his eyes.

"Her full name is Atierra and she told us her name is Terra. 'Terra' is a part of 'Atierra' and the princess had gone missing and within a few months, a girl with a similar description to her shows up and knows how to fight and stuff." He gulps for a breath of air seeing as he said all that in one breath. We all stare at him like he's somewhat crazy and I have a plan to see if he actually is, but now's not the time for it.

"Good luck with this one girl." Vi jerks her thumb at him and she smiles.

"I can take him."

"Ok! Before this gets any more off track, what can we do to help Terra? We have no idea where she is, what exactly is wrong or where her mate is. Suggestions anyone?" Taylor looks around at everyone in our group. No one says anything, thinking, and the only sound is the music pounding in the club downstairs. It's faint thanks to the distance and the walls, but with our hearing it doesn't do much of anything.

"Well, I know her mate's name is Aaron and he's the Beta of whatever pack he's from. Maybe we can use that to figure out what pack she's from." Gena suggests and my mate gives a stiff nod, standing up and making the bed creak from the weight disappearing.

"It's definitely a start." He looks to Ian. "I'm going to need you to get right to work on that when we get back to t-" His cell phone goes off and he pulls it out of his pocket. "What?!" He snaps, not caring who's on the other end. You can  tell he's getting frustrated again.

I watch  his expression change from frustration to shock and then to determination. Hanging up, we all wait for him to speak.

"Looks like we won't have much to do afterall. My dad just told me that her mate called the pack house asking some serious questions."

"What does that mean?" Adrian inquires.

"It means that we're going to have company soon. They're on their way now and already asked my father for permission to enter our land. We're good to go and maybe with him we'll be able to find the princess."


I'm super duper sorry and I feel so guilty that im posting part of this chapter now before i finish the rest of it. I've taken too long and everyone deserves something. I'm hoping to write the rest this weekend so fingers crossed. Hope you liked this little half chap :)

          Kristen <3

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