Chapter 31

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Gives You Hell-All American Reject

After school I'm about to get in my car and drive home to search some more stuff up when I see Jake looking around suspiciously before getting on his motorcycle. I finally decide that I can look up more information later and that I should take this chance to see the real Jake secretively. So I wait a few minutes after he drives off to follow him.

I make sure he doesn't see me as I follow him by letting four cars in between us, until he turns onto a dirt road that nobody else turns on. I stay a good long distance behind him, so far back that I can barely see him at all. We take too many turns for me to keep track of. It's been fifteen minutes and still there's been nothing but trees, dirt, and more trees. He takes a sudden right turn, when I make the same turn, its straight road with no turns up ahead as far as I can see yet I don't see Jake anywhere.

I zoom faster down the road thinking he must have sped up, but I start freaking out when I don't see him anywhere, I've already passed three turns, what if he turned on one of those roads and I missed it and now I'm stuck out here? I don't know how to get back without following him, there were so many turns we took to get here I didn't even try to remember them because I figured I'd just follow him. My breathing fastens as I feel panic rush through me. I pull over to the side of the road. My hands are shaking and my heart is thumping faster than it should be.

It's starting to get dark and I'm out in the middle of nowhere surrounded by woods all alone and I have no idea how to get home. My adrenaline is going insane, I'm so scared I can barely see straight.

I see something move beside my passenger window, but when I look, there's nothing there. I quickly lock my doors. What do I do? Do I stay here and let whatever is out there get me? Do I drive away and get myself more lost? I look down at my gas gauge to see it's on empty which means I have a few miles left before I'm out of gas completely. Now I'm seriously panicking.

Crunch I hear a branch snap next to me and whip my head around, I see something moves quickly past my window. I can't even leave, if I leave I'll run out of gas and then I'll be stuck here for who knows how long. I quickly grab my phone and dial Abigail's number, it rings five times I'm so relieved that my cell can actually call out here. "sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't answer, it might be because you're annoying, it might be because I'm mad at you, it might be because your ugly, or it might be because I just can't get to my phone right now, you better hope it's the last one. Leave a message, if it's the last one I'll call you back as soon as possible." Beep.

I feel tears brim my eyes "Abigail, please please call me back" I plead, my voice cracks.

Clank a sound comes from outside my car, it sounds like somebody threw a rock at my window. I quickly dial Brandon. Five rings "hey, yo, wassup? Sorry I can't get to the phone but at least you get to hear my beautiful voice. Catch ya later" beep.

I hang up. Tears are close to escaping. I call Chloe five rings "hello?" Chloe's voice says. Relief floods through me, I'm so grateful somebody answered that I almost start crying from happiness. "Chloe! I need you to come get me-" I'm interrupted by Chloe's voice "gotcha! This is Chloe's voicemail, made ya think it was really me didn't I? I can't get to the phone right now, if it's an emergency leave a voicemail, if not, don't bother" beep.

A tear slides down my face as all the relief leaves my body. Knock knock knock. Somebody is knocking on the rear window but I'm too scared to look. I quickly dial Ally, she always answers, three rings "heyyy!" Ally's perky voice calls into the phone, once again relief floods through me "Ally!" I exclaim, I can hear music playing loudly in the background "Beth? That you?" She yells into the phone.

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