Chapter 40

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I gasp loudly and sit up so fast that I actually see black dots. I look around to see I'm in Jake's bed ounce again. So it was just another dream. I let out a sigh of relief as I bring my breathing back to normal. There's sweat moistening my whole body. The bedroom door opens and Jake's worried face instantly is replaced with a look of relief when he sees me.

"Hey princess" Jake greets with a small smirk curving on the side of his lips. He strides up and sits down on edge of the bed, facing me. Jake, I'm not even sure if I believe that Jake is Slyder anymore. After everything I've heard and saw, it seems so hard to believe that Jake could be Slyder, yet at the same time, Jake admitted it, multiple times to my face. It's all so confusing.

I slowly sit back up and rest against the backboard of his bed frame. "Jake" I groan, squeezing my eyes shut, my mind reels with everything that had happened before I was knocked out, but the memories are morphing with the dreams.

"Are you okay?" He asks. I nod as I try to lift my right hand to my forehead, but an intense sharp pain pricks my arm and I stop trying to move it. I quickly open my eyes and look down at my arm to see aqua glowing markings. "What the hell is that?" I screech so loud Jake puts his hands to his ears "would you calm down?" He yells "it's just um, uh, I-I got bored, and I wanted to prank you, so I colored on your arm, that's all" he explains lamely. I look away from my arm to give Jake a 'seriously?'Look "you don't honestly think I'm falling for that do you? That may very well have been the most pathetic, lame excuse for a lie that I've ever heard" I inform dryly.

Jake rolls his eyes "why couldn't you have been blonde?" Jake mumbles quietly. "Jake! I have glowing symbol thingys on my arm and I can't move it! Tell me what this is!" I scream "man, you just love to yell, don't ya?" Jake asks annoyed "I-I don't know how to explain them" he says.

I try to cross my arms, but the sharp pain comes and I stop, instead settling for a quirked eyebrow and what I'm hoping looks like an impatient facial expression.

Jake rolls his eyes and runs a hand down his face "you are one persistent girl" Jake mumbles "excuse me, I am not a 'girl' I am a lady" I snap "oh I'm so sorry m'lady" Jake mocks bowing slightly. I put on a satisfied smile "much better" I say once again earning an eye roll from Jake.

"Now enough dodging the question, tell me what's going on" I say. Jake moves from the bed and sits down on the chair next to it, resting his face in his hands "It's a long, long, long, story" he says, his voice muffled "I've got time" I say. Jake shakes his head no in his hands. Okay seriously? He's not going to tell me? I am so sick of this game where he tells me tiny little tid bits, and then says he's not allowed to tell me anything.

This is my life, everything that's going on has to do with me, and yet I want allowed to know? I wasn't allowed to know but he was? "Tell me!" I demand loudly, Jake ignores this. I get out of the bed "tell me!" I yell, again Jake ignores. I take a step closer "tell me!" I scream, Jake ignores me. I'm now standing directly in front of him "tell me!" I scream even louder. Suddenly Jake stands up, so abruptly that I take a few surprised steps back "I can't!" He back loudly, his voice is powerful, strong, his face red and determined, he actually scares me when he does this and I feel myself coward back a little.

My voice is small as I talk now "But that isn't fair, why do you get to know everything about my life, but I'm left in the dark? Don't you know how scary this is? I keep trying to stay strong, to act like I'm not scared, that I'm sure of myself. I try to stop myself from thinking about what's going to happen when Slyder murders my own mother in front of my eyes and then tortures and kills me.

I'm trying so hard to be this courageous, fearless woman that I've seen my mom be so many times, but I'm not my mom, I'm scared, I don't know what's going on. Slyder keeps telling me that I know nothing about my life, and then I try to ask you, and you say that I'm not allowed to know, that you're not allowed to tell me. I don't even know if you're Slyder anymore" I say, by the end my voice has cracked twice and tears are running silently down my cheek.

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