chapter 14

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On my way to the doctor I tried to get a hold of Alejandro, no luck though. He wasn't picking up his phone or answering my texts. I finally just gave up when I arrived at the hospital. "Ariana how good to see you" Kathy said as I walked in, I hadn't yet told her why I was really here. "hello Kathy" I said giving her a hug. The woman loved me, "what brings you here your ok right?" she asked me. I nodded my head a wave of nausea hit me again, I was nervous about how far along I was. Kathy saw something was wrong and lead me into a room off to the side, "dear what's going on" she asked. This was it I had to tell her I couldn't lie to the woman she was so good to me and Alejandro. " I....I am pregnant" I said trying to spit the words out, I expected her to yell and freak out. She took it amazing she smiled and congratulated me, "this is amazing news dear but where is my son shouldn't he be here with you" Kathy asked. I didn't want to tell her I lost her son so I had to lie, "he got stuck at work and I really wanted an ultra sound to see how far along I am" I said. It wasn't a total lie, "we can do that come this way" she said and lead me to another room with all the stuff. I layed down on the cot thing and rolled up my shirt and let her squeeze the goo stuff on me. I looked over to the screen at first it was black until I saw a little blip on the screen it looked like a little potato. "there it is your around 2 months so its too early to tell the sex" she said as she printed a picture out for me. I sat up and wiped my stomach off and looked at the picture, this is my baby. " I must go Ariana so sorry but I will see you soon" Kathy said before rushing away. I got up and left I wanted to go home and see Alejandro but I had my doubts he would be there. When I got home I looked around for Alejandro, I found him no where. I placed the photo in the kitchen on the counter, and went off to have a hot shower Alejandro would come home soon.


Elijah and me went to the bar no questions asked, he knew I was upset and just needed a drink. I couldn't wrap my head around this she was still so young and I wasn't ready to be a father. I didn't want to mess this up, I messed up big time. To top everything off we would have to cancel the wedding, I pre called earlier in the night for a court date. I wasn't going to have my baby born into a world baring the name bastard. Everything was fuzzy I didn't know where I was until I saw my front door. Some how I managed to get it open I stumbled in drunk out of my mind. I needed to sober up a bit, I stumbled to the kitchen to get some water and found a picture. It was an ultra sound picture, she went to see the baby without me?!?! I fell to the floor looking at the picture. This was my baby my child I couldn't give up on them I had to be a man. "Alejandro" a soft voice said, "is that you" it was like an angel speaking. The angel walked around the corner and kneeled down beside me. "where have you been" she asked, " wasss at the pubbbb" I slurred out. She put her face in her hands and looked up at me again, "lets get you to bed" she said. I threw my arm around her as she lead us up the stairs. We made it to the bed in one peace, I layed down for a second before sitting up and putting my hands to her ever growing tummy. "don't tell your mommy this but I am scared to mess up" I whispered to the baby. I felt darkness succumbing to me and I let it take over.


He was a mess and he smelled awful, he talked to the baby though. He held my small bump and talked to him, he didn't want to mess up? what was there for him to mess up at he was amazing as is. I didn't let it bug me I soon crawled in next to Alejandro who was now fast asleep, not to long after I was asleep too. I woke up the next morning to the sound of a shower running the other side of the bed was empty too. He must have woken up I thought to myself, I put my hands on my belly I felt a bit sick. Might be from being hungry, I sat up in bed and placed my feet on the floor. It hit me like a brick wall, a wave of nausea came over me everything in side of me was about to come back up. I ran over to the bathroom and opened the door, it was steaming from the shower. "Ari what are you doing" Alejandro asked me, I didn't have the time to answer I fell to the floor and puked everything into the toilet. Alejandro had turned off the shower and come over to help me off the floor. I felt better after getting that all out of me, "Ariana are you ok" he asked me. I just nodded I was still mad that he ran off last night. I walked down stairs to the kitchen to find some breakfast, my appetite was bigger then normal I was now eating for two. Alejandro soon joined me downstairs, "are you mad at me" he asked I didn't want to say yes and fight so I just didn't say anything. " I will take that as a yes" he said to me, he didn't push it. I looked around for something to eat but nothing was springing out to me. "get dressed we are going out" Alejandro said to me, I looked over to him what did he mean we were going out. I didn't ask I just went up stairs and changed, I slipped on a blue sun dress and flats. "Ariana before we go I want to say I am sorry for last night I didn't mean to run out but I was scared" he said to me. I wanted to know why but that was for another time, " I forgive you" I said to him. He smiled up and lead me out the door, "where are we going" I asked I wanted to know. "We are going to the little place on the beach" he said, I took me a bit to remember the little hut on the beach he took me to for our first date. We walked down over to it since it wasn't far from the condo, I ordered an orange juice the largest size they had. "thirsty?" Alejandro asked me I really needed to teach him everything about pregnancy, the waitress came back and took our orders. Alejandro went with an omelette with peppers and cheese, I went with coconut pancakes. While we waited for the food we talked about the baby, " I have something planned for us today at 2pm" Alejandro said. Before I could ask what it was the food arrived, the plates were full of food, I forgot all about the conversation and started stuffing my face.  The pancakes were light and fluffy, I was kind of upset when I finished eating them. "That a lot of food love are you full now" he asked me. "hey look at that" I said pointing to the beach, he looked over and while he did I stole the other little bit of his breakfast. " I don't see any....hey that's my food" he said, I laughed as I continued to eat it. After breakfast Alejandro drove us to the surprise, "where are we going?" I asked. We pulled up to city hall, " we are getting married right here right now" he said. "what about witness and everything" I said, " Ariana I have everything planned out all you have to say is I do" he said. "fine" was all I said and we got out and walked inside. The process wasn't as hard as I thought, Elijah and Carly were out witnesses for the wedding thing. I spaced out the whole time thinking about how this would end, the baby was coming in 7 months. "miss Williams?" the judge said "yes" I said as I looked up to him. "you mean I do?" he said to me, "oh yea I do" I said Alejandro looked over to me and gave me a smile. " I pronounce you man and wife" he said to us, I smiled and placed my hand on my little bump. We were married I was now Ariana Martinez.

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