chapter 28

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I had everything ready set and planned. This was it I was going to do it. I rode up to the condo ready to face my love my heart my little dove. To my dismay I found a crow instead. "Madison where..what are you doing here where is ashley?" I asked. "That little toy you called your girlfriend she left town Alex, guess she wasn't cut out for the roll" she said shrugging it off. What was she talking about ashley wouldn't just leave......would she? I needed to think but I couldn't my mind went foggy. She left my little dove my heart she was gone. "Don't cry over her baby she's weak but I am here for you" Madison purred out. She ran her finger tips over my shoulders and down my arms. It felt as if a snake had touched me. "Madison if I haven't made it clear enough for you then I guess you should look again, get your trampy ass out of here. I don't care if ashley is here or not I don't want you" I spat at her. She looked shocked by my yelling but she needed to get the hint. She never had an empty bed she always had a string of guys at her aid. She walked out thinking she had won little did she know I was always the king. I kept my head high until she was out of sight. I walked to the kitchen throwing open the cupboard that held my many bottles of alcohols. I needed to drink sleep and wake up from this nightmare. She wasn't gone she couldn't be she held my heart.

2 months later

The nightmare was real nothing was bringing her back. The day she left I drank myself silly and went looking for her the next morning. Her apartment looked as if she left in a hurry. She was gone....and so was my heart. I felt nothing did nothing but drink. A week passed and jasper returned to find me passed out in my living room. He threw me into a shower and slapped some sense into me. "Alex she wouldn't leave with out a reason, she and you had something special" he said. I didn't know what to say I guess we didn't it was a lie. Love was a lie. I never replaced the assistant position right away I waited a month before it was time. The girl I brought in was younger around ashleys age. She did her work just fine and never bothered me. When I wasn't working I was at home drinking. I attempted a few times to sleep with a few girl but each time I couldn't. The old me would have fucked there brains out but ashley took all of me. I was worthless to the world now. The months had dragged I felt life less. I held a little dark blue box in my suit pocket. Everyday I would keep it there. It held something special, something meant for one girl. I tried to part with it every time but I couldn't bring myself to do so. Every night when I looked at it I thought of the night she left. "Mr Martinez there is a meeting coming up in Boston shall I book a flight and hotel?" My assistant asked me. I nodded to her and she turned to her office. I hated to travel but I couldn't let the business fall not now. Boston was like a mini new York anyways. Maybe I could shake my thoughts of ashley there.


"Orders up for table 5" the cook yelled to me. I ran to grab the food before it became cold. I was once again a waitress at a restaurant in Boston. I arrived in a rainy time. I found a motel to stay at seeing how I didn't know how long I would stay for. Boston was nice I enjoyed it, but my heart still yearned for new York. I missed my old life I missed Alexander. I couldn't shake what I felt, I worked most of the time now. It helped keep my mind free of him. When I wasn't working I cried, I tried to go and make friends but it was harder then it looked. I had been thinking of leaving again and going somewhere farther. I had nothing to tie me down. "Ashley pick up the past girl" the older waitress said to me. She was a nice lady in her 30s. She felt like a mom to me sometimes, she didn't ask questions of where I came from and why she just gave me the job. I owed her a lot, I took some crazy shifts for them. "That's my last table so I am off" I said slipping off the apron and heading out. The motel wasn't far from the restaurant, I still hated the idea of walking alone at night. The motel was more run down but it worked for me. I couldn't afford much and what ever extra I had I used to save for leaving again. It was hard to bring myself to think of leaving. Was my life always going to be like this me running from everything. Every problem I faced heart break that happened. This wasn't just a normal heart break this was me losing my heart. Alexander held it not matter who warmed his bed and pleased him. He would always hold my heart I loved him. I wished to see him again but I knew what that would bring. I couldn't take more hurt not again. He needed to be away from me and out of my mind. I needed to get the picture he wasn't going to settle down ever. Madison had won he wanted her. I was plain next to her anyways I didn't blame him. I couldn't help but cry myself to sleep that night. Knowing that I was never going to see him or love him again.

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