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"Are you all packed?" Shawn called to me from the next room.

"I think so," I called back, stuffing a few more items of clothing into my backpack.

Shawn and I were going on a camping trip up in the mountains for the weekend. It was April, and it was supposed to be nice out, so we decided that now was as good of a time as any. Shawn was big on anything nature related, and I usually had fun with him whenever I got dragged along, so I agreed to go with him. I glanced around the bedroom, making sure I wasn't forgetting something obvious. I had enough clothes for three days, even though we were only staying for two, and I had a sleeping bag. Shawn would be carrying all of our other supplies, like the tent and any other things he deemed necessary. I picked up my backpack and went downstairs to the living room where Shawn was putting his last minute things into his backpack. He straightened from his crouched position in the floor when he saw me enter the room.

"Do you think we're ready to go?" he asked, looking down at our stuff.

"Maybe. I think we should look through it one more time though," I responded. "You check my pack, and I check yours?"

"Yeah. It's better to have both of us look through it."

I sat down on the couch and pulled Shawn's backpack into my lap. It was a lot heavier than mine. "Jesus, what do you have in here? It weighs a ton."

Shawn chuckled. "There should be clothes, the tent, a sleeping bag, bug spray, a knife, a flashlight, a compass, and food and water."

"Oh! I forgot to get food. I'll get that after I go through this huge thing."

Shawn shook his head. "How did you forget food? That's, like, the most important thing."

"I don't know. I got water, though."

I began rummaging through Shawn's backpack. The tent and sleeping bag were obviously there, and he had clothes. I saw the knife, flashlight, and the compass, two bottles of bug spray, and his food and water.

"It looks good. I think you got everything," I said, placing the backpack back in the floor. "Now I'm going to get some food."

I headed to the kitchen and opened the pantry. I grabbed a plastic bag and filled it with granola bars, trail mix, and dried fruit. I went back to the living room and crouched down next to Shawn to tuck the food into one of the pockets on my backpack.

"I think we're ready now. You have everything else," Shawn said.

"Are you going to bring your phone?" I asked.

"Yeah. Just in case something happens. It's on the charger right now."

He turned to look at me, a small smile spreading on his face. He didn't say anything, though. We were just sitting there, staring at each other. I began counting backwards in my head. 3,2,1. When I got to one, Shawn leaned forward slightly, wanting a kiss, just as I'd expected. When he was less than an inch away, I spoke. "Can I do something that I've wanted to do ever since I came in here and saw you crouched down?"

"What's that?"

"This." I placed a hand on his chest and pushed him backwards. He was balanced on the balls of his feet, so when I pushed him, he lost his balance and fell backwards onto his butt. He looked kind of shocked. I'm sure he wasn't expecting me to do that. I smiled at his expression and crawled over into his lap, straddling him. His face had now broke out into a smile. I leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the lips, giving him what he'd wanted the whole time.

"I think I deserve a better kiss than that," Shawn complained. "You did knock me over."

"Fine," I said with a smile. I leaned back in and kissed him again, drawing it out a little bit longer this time.

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