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Alana P.O.V.

I cried at night, I cried during the mornings, even throughout the day. I cried for probably 24 hours a day now. It hurts.

It hurts when you have the love of your life being in another life that doesn't even exist.

Have you ever felt like you wish it was fanasty but it's reality? I know I do.

Currently I was eating half of my cereal this morning. I wanted breakfast with Nate but he had to take that slut to breakfast, with her parents. After what happened about me and Macy fighting, her Parents was about to press charges but Nate told them not to.

I've been thinking that I can't do this. I love Nate as probably as much as he does but how can I live like this? Another women with him?

"Alana? You okay?" Johnson asked me. I put on a fake smile to prevent him for asking anymore questions.

"Yeah. I'm okay J" I chuckled. I was about to put my bowel up but Jack took it and put it in the sink. "Thanks J" I smiled at him.

"You're welcome but I do want to talk to you about Nate. He's been.... a little to attach to Macy whore ass"

"I know. It's like everytime I try to call him or whatever, but he's to "Busy" right now with Macy. I really feel like Nate is still in love with her and I-" I broke out in tears, as J gave me a tissue.

"Thanks" I whispered, as I wiped my tears. "It's okay Lana, if Nate doesn't see how beautiful and nice and sweet you are then leave him." J said and I started laughing at him.

"J, your serious?"

"Yep. I love Nate but he should be with you, you're a good person for him. You've changed him, his ways, everything about him"

"I know but now he's always with-"

"Macy" we both said at the same time and laughed at it.

"I miss him"

"We all miss Nate. He's being his old self again" J said causing me to nod my head.

"So" I sigh. "When do you guys go on tour?" I asked him.

"Oh, we go on tour in like two months. I'm so excited. Did you ever figure out that you wanted to go with us?"

I did think about that but what about Nate? Whatever he really doesn't own me for now.

"What the hell, I'll go, what do I have to do?" I asked and J literally screamed and hugged the life out of me.

"Wait! Wait! I've got to Call Jack" He pulls away quickly but I stop him. "Why don't we go see him?" I asked and J smiled widely. "That's even Better! Sarah!!" He yells, going up the stairs to our rooms.

I chuckled at J and seen my Phone lighting up. I looked to see it was Derek.

I picked it up.

"Hey D"

"Alana, have you seen Nate?"

"Nope. He's with his "other half" again today"

I heard him sigh. "Well, me and Sam are looking outside of his management and they are alot of people waiting for him to talk about their music career. Sad to say but, they are about to leave"

I sigh. But then got I had an idea. "Hey tell them that someone is going to be there" I said.


"Okay" and I hung up.

I saw sarah and Johnson coming down the stairs and I smiled.

"Guys, change of plans I'm going to help Nate's incorporation" I smiled as the two looked at each other confused.


"I'll come back Monday" I shake his hand and left. I leaned back in the black chair and sighed.

"Oh my goodness Alana you are a good associate" Miss. Vander said with the hint of her accent in each words.

"Thank you ma'am I try my best" I smile at her. "I have no bloody idea where Mr. Maloley is" she shakes her head and I shrugged.

"Who knows. His mind is on Macy" I rolled my eyes at what I said. I couldn't believe Nate didn't even come to work and that's saying something.

"Alana you were awesome, how did you even do that?" Sarah asked me as J was behind her, wrapping his arms around her.

"Experiences from the man himself" I smile as she smiles.

"Damn Alana You did some major shit just now" Sammy said, walking in with Derek.

I laughed. "I know. It was hard but it got easy afterwards" I said to him. We hear laughing and it stopped when we saw Nate and Macy. Her hand was in his and I didn't know whether to mad, sad, or cry in a corner.

"Mr. And Mrs. Maloley" I smirk, clapping. "Well you should be thanking me Nathan cause I saved your business"

"Can everyone give us a minute" Nate said and everyone left. Except Macy. "That means you too" I shot a glare at Macy.

She scoffs, walking out. Nate shut the door and I waited for what he had to say.

"Alana" he sighs, but I put my hand in his face. "Don't finish Nate. As you could tell, there were alot of people here and I" I pointed my finger to me. "I! Did your shit. I helped all of those people. I! Helped all your clients and you come waltzing in acting like your life has the best things ever but it's not"

"Alana, I-"

"Don't "Alana" me I'm sick of this so sick of it. You're always with her! Everyday! Doesn't miss a time" I felt tear about to come out. I loved Nate he was the one. But now I'm over thinking it. He's nobody but a man. A dog.

"Alana, I'm sorry." He said and I laughed bitterly at him. "Oh god" I laughed somemore.

"So is that all you can come up with is a "I'm sorry" wow Nate. Just wow"

"Alana, look I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I'm doing this but I have to I can't even get out of this shit. You've seen it I can't get out of it"

"CAUSE YOUR NOT TRYING TO! I'm feeling to think that you still love her don't you?" I said in such a serious tone.

He didn't say anything, just looking down. "You do. You can't even make eye contact with me"

"Nate I love you. But I can't keep doing this" I said and he shot his head at me. "Y-you love me?"

"Oh god, did you not just hear what I said!?" I said. "You know what Nate you've got a choice. If you love me then you'll come after me. If you don't love me then don't come after me"

"What are you saying?"

"It's either me or her" I said about to leave out but he grabbed my arm. "Alana-"

"Me or her" I snatched my arm from his grip and left out with sarah behind me. I'm sick of playing games with Nate.

A/N: Guys I had been doing this Chapter over and over and still couldn't find anything to put it but now I've got a chap. But anyways I hope you guys liked this and.....

HAPPY EASTER🐇🐰 and Please eat as much as you can!!!

Love you guys 👑👑

Mr. Maloley (Completed) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora