A Weird Night Out

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Katara's POV

"Everyone work on your stance and don't forget your papers are due next week as well as an evaluation." Master Paku announced. We just finished an extremely difficult water skills class and I was exhausted. I looked to my left and saw Aang seemed just as tired as me. He was a bending prodigy and studied all four elements. I met him on my first day at Sozin's Academy and we have been close friends ever since. We packed up our things and started making our way to the dorms. It was the weekend and we were going to head into town for some much-needed fun.

The dorms were co-ed, in a way. The guys were in the west wing while the girls were in the east with the common room in the center. Once we entered the common room, I saw Jet laughing with his friends. One of his friends hit his shoulder to point me out. Jet caught my eye and waved me over.

"I'm going to go put my stuff in my room," Aang said as he hurried off which was weird. I made my way over to my boyfriend and smiled as he got up to hug me. Only he suddenly pulled me into a deep kiss. It was a good kiss, I'm not complaining about that, but it felt like he turned me so the guys could get a better look because all I could hear was cheering.

"Hello, Beautiful." Jet said as he pulled away. Being this close I clearly saw the bruise on his cheek. He was also holding me awkwardly only one arm around me the other stiff.

"Hello to you too. Are you ok? Did something happen to your shoulder?" I asked him and we lost our audience. His friends seemed to disappear and he pulled me to a couch. Now I noticed the bandages he was trying to hide under his shirt.

"It's fine. Just an intense sparring match." Jet said, trying to brush the matter aside.

"If it was a sparring match, why are you hurt? Isn't the point not to hurt each other." I questioned him not willing to let it go.

"Katara, drop it." When he spoke something changed in Jet's face. His laid-back attitude shifted to one I hadn't seen before. His eyes going narrow as his stared me down and his body tensing around me. It made it impossible for me to move out of his arms. Out of shock, I nodded and his body visibly relaxed. "So where do you want to go tonight?"

"Oh, um . . . how about the Jasmine Dragon?" I answered, slowly bringing myself back. What was that?

"Sounds great." Jet said. 

"I'm just going to get ready to meet back here in a bit?" I hesitated but Jet just smiled and grabbed my hand as we stood. 

"You mean in an hour when you decide on an outfit." Jet joked as we started making our way out of the common room when I felt him grip my hand tightly.

"Jet?" He was staring behind me, no longer walking, but continually squeezing my hand harder. I turned around and saw Zuko leaning against the wall. A smirk adorned his face as he stared at Jet. Then he turned his attention to me and winked. "Ow Jet that hurts!" 

"Wha-? Oh sorry Katara." He said as he let go of my hand which had turned red. "Text me when you're ready."  

What was that about?


The Jasmine Dragon was always busy on a Friday night. It was a cute tea shop during the day with a calm ambiance. At night it shifted moving tables to the side to create room for the dance floor and DJ. No tea is being brought to the tables, and customers instead walking to the bar to order refreshing drinks.

 "Hey guys!" I called out as Jet and I walked up to the others at the mini-bar. It didn't have alcohol but adding to the club vibe. The dance floor was packed with students blowing off steam so it took us a while to find them.

"Finally. Took you forever." Sokka said with his arm around Yue, holding her close.

"But it was worth it." Jet said as he looked at me. I was wearing frayed jean shorts along with a black crop top and a long blue jacket that from another angle appeared as though I wasn't wearing shorts at all. Plus a pair of knee-high socks complete the look. 

"Yeah, yeah she's beautiful." Suki interrupted as she rolled her eyes. "Now can we finally get this weekend started?!" Without waiting for an answer she pulled Toph, Yue, and me onto the dance floor leaving the guys with looks that made me laugh as I began dancing.

Aang was the 1st to snap out of it and joined us. He wasn't embarrassed about it either and just had fun. I felt hands on my hips and looked to see Jet smiling at me. 

I loved this. My friends surrounded me, just having fun. Only it didn't last long before I felt Jet tighten his hold just as hard as earlier. He spun me around so quickly that I held him for balance. His eyes were so intense as he stared at me. Slowly, he brought his forehead to mine and I swear I heard him say, "I'm sorry" but it was so quiet. After he gave me a quick spin, I landed in someone else's arm. Raising my head, I was shocked to be staring into Zuko's eyes.

Before I could say a word he started dancing, moving me with him. I looked around and noticed that Jet had disappeared and the others hadn't noticed my change in dance partner. I was extremely pissed. Why would Jet do this? He hates Zuko, not to mention he gets jealous easily. If that ass was willing to pass me off to one of the biggest jerks in school then he was going to suffer.

I sent Zuko a flirty smile, which surprised him, and started moving my hips with his. As he realized what was happening, Zuko smirked back and pulled me closer so our chests were pressed against each other. We stayed like this until the song ended. Zuko looked over my shoulder and we saw Jet, leaning on the wall, looking angrier than I've ever seen him.

Serves him right. Well, I'm not done.

Zuko began to pull away when I brought him close enough for our noses to graze another causing a look of confusion on his face and outrage on Jet's. I leaned forward but instead of doing what I knew they thought I was going to do, I turned to whisper in his ear. 

"I don't know what this was about and I don't care. You will pay." I stated before pushing him away, threw a glare at Jet, and walked out of the Jasmine Dragon.

Yay, another chapter! What do you think that was about? What will Katara do next? Why is Jet being a dick? Questions that will be answered . . . eventually.

Hope you are enjoying the story and let me know what you think. Votes and comments are always welcomed (but be gentle)

Remember, smile at least once a day :)

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