Being a Jerk

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Katara's POV 

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything." I looked around Zuko, to see Sokka with a very pissed off face. Zuko sighed before straightening up into that "I know I'm better than you" body position. I could have sworn I saw a hint of sadness in his eyes before he sent a smirk Sokka's way.

"Nah, you're good. We were just getting ready to leave." Zuko spoke as he headed for his stuff.

"Come on Katara. I think you've earned yourself a break from this." Sokka replied. He tried to make it sound like a suggestion there was a hint in his voice of an order. I was upset but didn't want to start anything. I grabbed my stuff before turning to Zuko.

"I've got to catch up on some homework so won't be able to meet up tomorrow." I told him.

"No problem." He said looking at me. No smirk just understanding as he pulled out his cell phone. "Why don't you give me your number and we'll figure something out."

"That's a great idea." I answered and looked at Sokka, who looked like he was gonna step in front of me and tell Zuko what he could do with his cell phone. "Since we don't have any classes together tomorrow it's better than trying to hunt each other down." This I said to Sokka. He just stood in the doorway, fuming, while we exchanged numbers.

"Nice match and I'll text you when I can." I said before walking out of the room, grabbing Sokka's hand as I left. Though I still managed to hear Zuko's deep chuckle before my idiot brother snapped out of it. 

"Can I talk to you?" He snapped. I could tell he was trying to keep his emotions in check so I led him to a courtyard on the side of the gym. He didn't seem to know where to start that his face was almost comical. I let out a giggle before quickly holding it in.

"This is not funny Katara. You just gave the biggest jerk in the school your phone number without a second thought."Sokka said in an exasperated voice.

"I didn't really need to think about it. We are working together and it's a lot easier to text than have to look for him every time I need to talk to him." I explained. He didn't have a rebuttal for that because he moved onto a new topic.

"He basically beat up your boyfriend last week and used you in a bet!" Sokka shouted. At this, my eyes narrowed slightly.

"Jet didn't have to say yes to the bet and honestly he shouldn't have been so cocky in thinking he would win. Going in with attitude just deludes a person skills because they feel like they don't need to try." I replied in a tone that clearly said I didn't want to hear more about the bet. Sokka thought about this before giving me a slight nod.

"Ok but what the bet? And his basic attitude to everyone in this school? He barely has one conversation without insulting them in some way." Sokka countered.

"That just makes him a jerk. Plenty of people are jerks but we still have to deal with them. Zuko just happens to be one of them." I said with a shrug of my shoulder. There was no way to change Zuko so there was no point in trying.

"What about what I just witnessed?" Sokka stared right into my eyes as he spoke. I felt my heart speed up for a second but kept my face steady.

"I have no clue what you are talking about." I said but he didn't believe it.

"Oh don't give me that Katara! You were barely a foot away from him!" Sokka stated.

"We had just completed a match." I said simply. 

"Completed. That means you had the chance to step back. No you had the choice to move away from him." Surprise took over my face cause I didn't even think about it like that.  Sokka could tell that he caught me so he kept going.

"He is trying to play you Katara! And you're falling for it!" He tried to convince me.

"Stop right there. I am not falling for anything. I get that you are looking out for me but I have already gone threw this with Jet. If anything happens I don't like, Zuko will end up in the infirmary. Now if you'll excuse me, I would like to get some food." I said. My voice was even but Sokka knew I had enough but I knew that he wasn't finished. Plus he was gonna keep a close eye on us.

Even though I was annoyed, I couldn't help but think of his words. Sure Zuko had a reputation but I didn't have a real reason to not trust him. He never did anything to me but he was a jerk to those around me which was not ok. 

Though Jet was kinda being a jerk and I was dating him. What makes him different?


Finally, I got some quiet. Too bad I was trying to catch up on some homework in the library. Yesterday after Sokka's interrogation, I had to let Jet know nothing happened. About halfway, I was getting fed up with him that I just kissed him. Now that shut him up for a while.

But that just meant I couldn't get any work done.

"Is this seat taken?" A voice said. I looked up and was surprised to see Azula. 

"Oh, um no it's not." I replied not trying to start anything and went back to work. The library wasn't that crowded and I'm sure she had someplace she could work, yet here she was. She sat down, pulled out her laptop, and began typing away. It was a couple of minutes before she said anything.

"You're working with my brother in that cross-bending project, right?" Azula suddenly asked me. Oh like she didn't sit next to me for that exact reason. Two can play this game.

"That's me. You're partnered with Aang?" I replied in a calm voice.

"Yeah but we haven't had a chance to meet yet, have you?" Azula asked me. I wonder where she was going with this?

"Actually we did. Yesterday." I stated.

"Wow, that soon? You must be serious about this project. I mean we do have a month. Why did you feel the need to spend time with Zuko so quickly?" She asked.

Hm, that was a weird way to put it.

"It wasn't just to spend time with Zuko. I needed to rate his skill level." I countered her question.

"His skill level?" She asked, seeming curious.

"Well I know mine, obviously, but have never seen him use his element. If he was terrible then we were gonna have some work to do. Or else it wouldn't be much of a match." I explained.

"So did he pass your test? Did he meet your standards?" Azula asked again, but this time a small smile formed on her face.

Again, weird way to put it.

"Yes, he did. Now I really need to work on this paper. Is there any other questions?" I asked her. she was starting to get on my nerves.

"Oh of course. I figured I should get to know the girl that my brother keeps talking about." She explained. Her face held a knowing smirk as she turned back to her laptop.

What the hell was that about? Wait, Zuko's been talking about me?

Sneaky Azula, what are you up to now? And do you think Sokka has a right to be worried for Katara? 

Thanks for reading and let me know what you think by voting or leave a comment.

Don't forget to smile at least once a day :)

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