Ch. 7: Family Time

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Ch. 7 – Family Time

I can’t remember the last time that I’ve slept in and had a lazy day. It’s been forever, I do know that. I yawned and stretched before rolling over in my bed and looking at the clock that was beside my bed. Wow, it was already eleven o’clock and Cameron hasn’t come to wake me up yet. That’s unusual. I sadly pushed back my blankets and crawled into the cold air of my bedroom. The simple fact that I leave my fan on throughout the night makes my room like an iceberg, but I can’t sleep if my room isn’t cold enough. I regret it each morning, but it’s whatever.

I knocked on Cam’s door before gently pushing it open. “Morning momma!” Cam rubbed his tired eyes with the backs of his hands.

“Morning sweety.” I said, walking over and sitting on the edge of his bed. “You slept late today.”

“I was tired.” He half grinned at me. Where have I seen that smile before?

He sat up and I pulled him into a hug. “I’m guessing so.” Then again, I did let him stay up late last night.  “We both are having a lazy day, I suppose. You want to go out and get some breakfast?”

“Okay.” He got out of bed and grabbed a pair of socks out of his drawer.

I shook my head and laughed at him, “Well, you can’t go in your pajamas, silly goose.”

Cameron just watched me as I walked to his dresser and pulled out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I know I should start letting him chose out his own clothing, but I just couldn’t make myself do that yet. He was still my baby boy, even though he’s growing up on me. A little too quickly for my liking.

After I gave Cam his clothing, I went and got myself dressed into some shorts and a t-shirt. I just threw my hair into a ponytail, not trying to impress anyone today. Not that I really ever tried. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to apply myself into my look; it’s that I was too lazy, and preferred to be comfortable over being all dolled up.

On my way out of my room to go see if my baby was ready, my calendar caught my eye. I guess I lost track of time and didn’t realize what the date was. How could I forget what today is? My heart stopped for a second and sunk into my stomach. Today would reach the five year mark of Derek being gone. It didn’t even seem possible, but sadly it was. I sighed, gently running my fingers across the date. “Momma, I’m ready!” Cam came running into my room.

I looked down at him and saw him in his shorts and a backwards shirt. I laughed and knelt down. “Almost, sweety. Let me fix your shirt, first. It’s on backwards, goof.”

He looked down and started laughing. “Oh! That’s why it was all itchy right here.” He pointed to his chest area where the tag would have been rubbing.

“Darn tag, made you all itchy?” I questioned playfully.

Cam nodded his head and frowned before laughing again. “Meany.”

That was my little guy, right there. He was the sole reason that I made it as far as I had today. Everything that I do is for this one little person, right here. He is my heart and my world. If I had to go back and do things over again, I wouldn’t want to. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I kissed him on the nose and stood up, “Okay, so where are we going for breakfast?”

“McDonalds?” He asked.

I scrunched up my nose, “Ew, let’s go somewhere else, like Denny’s or Ihop or something.”

“Denny’s!” He jumped up and down. “I like that place.”

“Denny’s is it, then.” I said and scooped him up into my arms.

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