Chapter Twenty Two

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A/N: lmao guess who's back

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It took me a while to realise that I had soccer training on a Friday afternoon.

Which, ultimately, sucks.

Seriously, on a Friday afternoon I literally want to do nothing. At all. I just want to roll straight into the weekend while simultaneously laying on the couch eating my own weight in snacks and junk food.

I dragged my feet off the bus and walked into the school building, pouting at myself because I was just done with this week. Well, honestly, I'm done with school on Monday but you get my point. I got to my locker and sighed, probably dramatically but I didn't care.

I had a free period first, so I headed to the library so that I could study a bit and be more prepared for mid year exams, which most likely started soon. Great. I cannot wait until we get to endure weeks of tests. Fun times, eh?

I leaned on the wall and spotted Blake and Jordan approaching me, seeming cheery and bright this morning. The literal opposite of my current mood. I pouted.

"What's up, sunshine?"

"Don't call me sunshine, you'd be lying," I said, rubbing my head. "I just want it to be the weekend already!"

Blake snorted. "Me too. I just want to play video games, dude," he cried with mock sadness.

Jordan scoffed at both of us. "You just have to endure one more day."

"A very long day it will be," I replied sadly, the bell ringing and halting our conversation. The boys went to their lockers, and I said goodbye to them before realising that we had the first class together, along with Xavier.

I grabbed a seat at the back of the class, where I liked to sit, and waited for the other students to file in and for the class to start. Blake and Jordan arrived a couple of minutes later along with Xavier trailing them. Jordan sat on my left, Blake sitting next to him while Xavier was on my right. Blake and Jordan, as usual, were bickering over something small while Xavier and I watched on with amused looks, never interfering.

The teacher started the lesson by pointedly looking at Blake and Jordan, making them shut up with few snickers. After most of the notes were taken, we were free to keep going with our work. Blake and Jordan had gone back to arguing, quite loudly, with many swear words. However, the teacher was too engrossed in his laptop to notice or hear the profanities that were being used.

"Will you two just shut up?" Both Xavier and I quietly screamed at them, which of course did nothing despite the volume of it. We looked at each other weirdly before turning our attention back to the two three year olds fighting next to us.

"This is useless, they never stop," I whispered to Xavier who agreed. "What are they even arguing about?"

We both actually listened for a moment, trying to decipher the argument.

"-but how could she actually think that? You-"

"I KNOW! It's ridiculous! I know it's her but holy crap!" Blake exclaimed.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Jordan pointed to Blake. "His girlfriend thinks that Jared Leto was the best joker," he scoffed.

I gasped. "No."

"Are you kidding?" Xavier asked with a shocked tone. "Two words: Heath Ledger."

"Exactly!" we all said at the same time.

I raised an eyebrow. "So we all agree? Then what's the fighting about?"

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